Yii 对不同表的两列进行唯一验证,即.复合唯一验证

Yii unique validation on two columns of different tables ie. composite unique validation

我有两个表table1table2每个表都有一个名为email的列以及不同的其他列。我想要的是一个验证器,它在两列email字段中寻找唯一性。我找到了一个检查 SAME 表的多列的扩展。如何扩展它以使其适用于多个列?

可以使用 className 属性为其他类指定。

文档: the ActiveRecord class name that should be used to look for the attribute value being validated. Defaults to null, meaning using the class of the object currently being validated. You may use path alias to reference a class name here.

让我们在两个模型中有一个名为 common_attr 的属性:

class Model1 extends CActiveRecord{
    public function rules(){
        array('common_attr', 'unique', 'className'=> 'Model1'),
        array('common_attr', 'unique', 'className'=> 'Model2'),
class Model2 extends CActiveRecord{
    public function rules(){
        array('common_attr', 'unique', 'className'=> 'Model1'),
        array('common_attr', 'unique', 'className'=> 'Model2'),

要从多个表中检查combined key验证,您可以使用CUniqueValidator的条件属性。无需任何扩展

文档:criteria property public array $criteria; additional query criteria. This will be combined with the condition that checks if the attribute value exists in the corresponding table column. This array will be used to instantiate a CDbCriteria object.

class Model1 extends CActiveRecord{
    public function rules(){
        array('common_attr', 'unique', 'caseSensitive'=>false,
            'join'=>'LEFT JOIN model2 ON model2.common_attr=model1.common_attr',

In Yii2


['common_attr', 'unique'],
['common_attr', 'unique', 'targetClass' => AnotherClass::class],


class One extends 'yii'db'ActiveRecord
    public function rules()
        return [
            ['common_attr', 'unique'],
            ['common_attr', 'unique', 'targetClass' => Two::class],
class Two extends 'yii'db'ActiveRecord
    public function rules()
        return [
            ['common_attr', 'unique'],
            ['common_attr', 'unique', 'targetClass' => One::class],

此外,您可以将多个唯一键与 targetAttribute 一起使用:

    'targetClass' => One::class, 
    'targetAttribute' => ['common_attr', 'one_more_attr']