
How can I get the last day of the month's timestamp?

我将当前的 unix 时间戳存储在变量 $current_time 中。使用此变量,我想确切地找出当前月份最后一天的时间戳。

如何在 PHP 5.4+ 中执行此操作?


// this is if your $current_time is not within the current month (although the code below is valid for every single month and every single timestamp)
$month = date("M", $current_time);
$last_day_timestamp = strtotime('last day of ' . $month);
echo date("d-m-Y", $last_day_timestamp);
// if your $current_time is within the current month
$last_day_timestamp_of_this_month = strtotime('last day of this month')
