Google API BadAuthentication error with Zend gdata

Google API BadAuthentication error with Zend gdata

我正在使用gdata通过联系人API将联系人添加到我的Gmail帐户。 当我以本地主机身份在我的开发盒上运行代码时,一切正常。 但是当我将代码移动到生产服务器(时,我收到"错误:与Google的身份验证失败。原因:身份验证错误"。


// load Zend Gdata libraries
require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';
// set credentials for ClientLogin authentication
$user = "";
$pass = "somepassword";
try {
  // perform login and set protocol version to 3.0
  $client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient(
    $user, $pass, 'cp');
  $gdata = new Zend_Gdata($client);
  // create new entry
  $doc  = new DOMDocument();
  $doc->formatOutput = true;
  $entry = $doc->createElement('atom:entry');
  $entry->setAttributeNS('' ,
   'xmlns:atom', '');
  $entry->setAttributeNS('' ,
   'xmlns:gd', '');
   $entry->setAttribute('xmlns', '');
$entry->setAttribute('xmlns:gd', '');
$entry->setAttribute('xmlns:gContact', '');
  // add name element
  $name = $doc->createElement('gd:name');
  $fullName = $doc->createElement('gd:fullName', 'Jack Frost');
  // add email element
  $email = $doc->createElement('gd:email');
  $email->setAttribute('address' ,'');
  $email->setAttribute('rel' ,'');
  // add org name element
  $org = $doc->createElement('gd:organization');
  $org->setAttribute('rel' ,'');
  $orgName = $doc->createElement('gd:orgName', 'Winter Inc.');
  //add to Friends list
  $group = $doc->createElement('gContact:groupMembershipInfo');
        $group->setAttribute('deleted' ,'false');
        $group->setAttribute('href' ,'' .urlencode($user) . '/base/[groupid]'); 

 //addd to my contacts       
 $group = $doc->createElement('gContact:groupMembershipInfo');
 $group->setAttribute('deleted' ,'false');
 $group->setAttribute('href' ,'' .urlencode($user) . '/base/6');  //adds to Friends
  // insert entry
  $entryResult = $gdata->insertEntry($doc->saveXML(), 
  echo '<h2>Add Contact</h2>';
  echo 'The ID of the new entry is: ' . $entryResult->id;
  echo 'The link is: <a href="'.$entryResult->getLink('edit').">".$entryResult->getLink('edit')."</a>";
} catch (Exception $e) {
  die('ERROR:' . $e->getMessage());

我应该改用 OAuth for Services 吗? 我无法找到有关如何使用 Zend Gdata 执行此操作的文档。

编辑 - 找到答案:

好的 - 我仍然对更好的身份验证方法有疑问,但我弄清楚了在这种情况下的问题是什么。 谷歌对我的应用程序登录持怀疑态度。 当我检查Gmail时,我收到了以下内容:

Hi Info, 
Someone recently used your password to try to sign in to your Google Account [someone] This person was using an application such as an email client or mobile device. 
We prevented the sign-in attempt in case this was a hijacker trying to access your account. Please review the details of the sign-in attempt: 
Saturday, November 2, 2013 9:43:52 PM UTC 
IP Address: [] ([] 
Location: Unknown

If you do not recognize this sign-in attempt, someone else might be trying to access your account. You should sign in to your account and reset your password immediately. 
Reset password  
If this was you, and you are having trouble accessing your account, complete the troubleshooting steps listed at 
The Google Accounts team

我进入了Gmail安全性(通过提供的链接)并能够授权该应用程序。 问题解决了。 现在工作完美。

我仍然想要一些关于如何在Zend上使用我的客户端ID,服务帐户和私钥的指示(如果可能的话)。 我已经使用 Google API php 库进行了连接,但我看不到如何在 Zend 框架中使用它。

