PHP 检查抛出的异常类型

PHP check thrown exception type


    /* code with exceptions */
}catch(Exception $e) {
    /* Handling exceptions */

但是有没有办法从 catch 块内部检查抛出的异常的异常类型?



try {
    throw new InvalidArgumentException("Non Sequitur!", 1);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo get_class($e);


try {
    /* code with exceptions */
} catch (MyFirstCustomException $e) {
    // We know it is a MyFirstCustomException
} catch (MySecondCustomException $e) {
    // We know it is a MySecondCustomException
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // If it is neither of the above, we can catch all remaining exceptions.

您应该知道,一旦 catch 语句捕获异常,就不会触发以下 catch 语句中的任何一个,即使它们与异常匹配。

还可以使用 get_class 方法获取任何对象的完整类名,包括异常。


class db_exception extends Exception {}
class db_handled_exception extends db_exception {}
class db_message_exception extends db_exception {}
function exception_type($ex){
    echo '<pre>';
    echo 'Type: [' . get_class($ex) . "]'n";
    echo "Instance of db_message_exception? " . var_export($ex instanceof db_message_exception,true) . "'n";
    echo "Instance of db_handled_exception? " . var_export($ex instanceof db_handled_exception,true) . "'n";
    echo "Instance of db_exception?         " . var_export($ex instanceof db_exception,true) . "'n";
    echo "Instance of Exception?            " . var_export($ex instanceof Exception,true) . "'n";
    echo '</pre>';
exception_type(new db_handled_exception());
exception_type(new db_message_exception());
exception_type(new db_exception());
exception_type(new exception());


Type: [db_handled_exception]
Instance of db_message_exception? false
Instance of db_handled_exception? true
Instance of db_exception?         true
Instance of Exception?            true
Type: [db_message_exception]
Instance of db_message_exception? true
Instance of db_handled_exception? false
Instance of db_exception?         true
Instance of Exception?            true
Type: [db_exception]
Instance of db_message_exception? false
Instance of db_handled_exception? false
Instance of db_exception?         true
Instance of Exception?            true
Type: [Exception]
Instance of db_message_exception? false
Instance of db_handled_exception? false
Instance of db_exception?         false
Instance of Exception?            true


考虑到上面的示例,您可能只想显示类型 db_message_exceptiondb_handled_exception 的异常;在这种情况下,由于它们都是从db_exception继承的,您可以简单地说:

if ($ex instanceof db_exception){
   // show error message


if (!($ex instanceof db_exception)){
    throw new db_handled_exception('an unhandled exception occured', -1, $ex)   