关于大规模图像转换的想法 - 为什么内存不足

Ideas on mass image conversion - why is this running out of memory?


  1. 遍历 ~4000 个文件夹。
  2. 获取每个文件夹中的图像。
  3. 创建多个不同大小的图像,并将新图像保存到同一文件夹中。

我的代码(如下)正在工作,但是在它只完成了几个文件夹(可能是 50 个)之后,它给出了"内存不足错误"。到达这个阶段大约需要 5 分钟。 我尝试增加我在 php.ini 中可以找到的任何最大内存大小(到 1000MB),但我仍然得到相同的"内存不足错误"和相同的值。

我的服务器显示几乎没有做任何事情(16 核/36gig 内存),所以我认为这不是硬件限制。



ini_set('max_execution_time', 60000); 
define('IMAGEWidth', 800);
define('IMAGEHeight', 800);
define('THUMBNAILWidth', 109);
define('THUMBNAILHeight', 164);
define('THUMBNAILWidthLARGE', 180);
define('THUMBNAILHeightLARGE', 270);
define('MAX_BYTE_IMAGE_SIZE', 83886080);                                    // max files size allowed = 10MB
//** ============ images sizes =============== 
// small thumb
$imageSize_arr[] = array('image_resize' => true, 'image_x' => THUMBNAILWidth, 'image_ratio_y' => true, 'jpeg_quality' => 80, 'image_min_width' => 100, 'image_unsharp_amount' => 80, 'file_name_body_add' => '_thumb');
// normal thumb
$imageSize_arr[] = array('image_resize' => true, 'image_x' => THUMBNAILWidthLARGE, 'image_ratio_y' => true, 'jpeg_quality' => 80, 'image_min_width' => 100, 'image_unsharp_amount' => 80, 'file_name_body_add' => '_largethumb');
// full size image 
$imageSize_arr[] = array('image_resize' => true, 'image_x' => IMAGEWidth, 'image_ratio_y' => true, 'jpeg_quality' => 80, 'image_min_width' => 100, 'image_unsharp_amount' => 80);
//origional file
$imageSize_arr[] = array('image_resize' => false, 'file_name_body_add' => '_origional');

$path = '/var/www/import/propertyimages/';
$results = scandir($path);
//echo '<pre>';
//echo '</pre>';
foreach ($results as $result) {
    if ($result === '.' || $result === '..') {continue;}
    if (is_dir($path.$result)) {
        $path2 = $path.$result;
        echo '<h1>'.$path2.'</h1><br>';
        $results2 = scandir($path2);
        //echo '<pre>';
        //echo '</pre>';
        foreach ($results2 as $image) {
            if ($image === '.' || $image === '..') {continue;}
            //echo 'image = '.$path2.'/'.$image.'<br>';
            $sourcePath = $path2.'/'.$image;
            //global $imageSize_arr;
            $handle = new  upload($sourcePath); // initiate upload class and provide file to be altered
            $fileName = $image;
            if ($handle->uploaded) {
                foreach ($imageSize_arr as $size_arr){                      // get image sizes from config.php
                    $handle->file_new_name_body   = $fileName;              // set the file name
                    $handle->file_overwrite       = true;
                    $handle->file_max_size        = MAX_BYTE_IMAGE_SIZE;    // get max image sizes from config.php                      
                    $handle->allowed              = array('image/*');       // set allowed file types
                    foreach($size_arr as $key=>$value){                     // get image convertion types from $imageSize_arr/$size_arr
                        $handle->$key = $value;
                    $handle->process($path2.'/'); // prosess the image and save to specified location
                // check if all went well
                if ($handle->processed) {
                    echo 'done<br>';
                else {
                    echo $handle->error;
                    echo 'error<br>';                   
            else {echo '<strong>ERROR</strong>'.$handle->error.'<br>';}

可能会也可能不会有所帮助: 清除内存


ini_set('memory_limit', '2048M');