
MongoDb/PHP, can't get grouping to work right with aggregate framework

我正在尝试为网站设置消息收件箱,并且需要将用户(发件人或收件人)的所有文档分组到线程中。 消息集合中充满了这样的文档:

"_id" : ObjectId("4fe8d8ac0a6d2ad9350000d9"),
"message" : "booo",
"recipient" : {
    "user_id" : ObjectId("4fd9f0600a6d2ac94f000003"),
    "viewed" : 1
"sender" : {
    "user_id" : ObjectId("4fdb3b780a6d2a9d29000047"),
"thread" : "c03a4e49348d009f4ddd8aae325128e1"
"date_sent" : ISODate("2012-06-25T21:31:24.230Z"),


我能够使用 mongo 的 group 函数来获得所需的结果,但您无法对 group 进行排序或限制,因此理想情况下我想使用聚合框架,但我无法获得所需的结果。 基本上我需要这样做:

    $groupBy = array(
            'thread'    =>  1,
    $initial = array('count' => 0);
    $reduce = "function (obj, prev) { 
            prev.message = obj.message; 
            prev.sender = obj.sender.user_id;
            prev.recipient = obj.recipient.user_id;
            prev.date_sent = obj.date_sent;
            prev.viewed = obj.recipient.viewed;
    $condition = array(
            '$or' => array(
                            array('sender.user_id'      => new MongoId($options['user_id'])), 
                            array('recipient.user_id'   => new MongoId($options['user_id']))
    return $this->_collection->group($groupBy, $initial, $reduce, $condition);


    $condition = array(
            '$or' => array(
                            array('sender.user_id'      => new MongoId($options['user_id'])), 
                            array('recipient.user_id'   => new MongoId($options['user_id']))
    $returnFields = array(
            'message'           =>  1,
            'sender.user_id'    =>  1,
            'recipient.user_id' =>  1,
            'date_sent'         =>  1,
            'thread'            =>  1,
    $sort       = array('date_sent' =>  1);
    $groupBy    = array('_id'       =>  '$thread');
    $input = array(
        'aggregate' =>  $this->_collectionName,
        'pipeline'  =>  array(
                array('$project'  =>  $returnFields),
                array('$match'    =>  $condition),
                array('$group'    =>  $groupBy),
                array('$sort'     =>  $sort),
    return $this->_db->command($input);



    $condition = array(
            '$or' => array(
                            array('sender.user_id'      => new MongoId($options['user_id'])), 
                            array('recipient.user_id'   => new MongoId($options['user_id']))
    $sort       = array('date_sent' =>  -1);
    $groupBy    = array(
            '_id'       =>  '$thread',
            'sender'    =>  array('$first' => '$sender.user_id'),
            'recipient' =>  array('$first' => '$recipient.user_id'),
            'date_sent' =>  array('$first' => '$date_sent'),
            'message'   =>  array('$first' => '$message'),
            'viewed'    =>  array('$first' => '$recipient.viewed'),
    $input = array(
        'aggregate' =>  $this->_collectionName,
        'pipeline'  =>  array(
                array('$match'    =>  $condition),
                array('$sort'     =>  $sort),
                array('$group'    =>  $groupBy),
                array('$sort'     =>  $sort),
    return $this->_db->command($input);

基本上,我需要匹配正确的文档,对它们进行排序,以便最新的消息排在第一位,执行$group,我可以在其中使用 $first 运算符选择字段,然后再次对它们进行排序,以便它们按正确的顺序排列。 不认为这是必要的,但这似乎可以正常工作。