Yii CGridView sort by id

Yii CGridView sort by id

您好,我需要按id DESC对cgridview数据表进行排序,我该怎么做?


public function search()
        // Warning: Please modify the following code to remove attributes that
        // should not be searched.
        $criteria=new CDbCriteria;
        return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(
                        'desc'=>'ID DESC',


$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->order = 'ID DESC';

$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Nameofclass', array(

在你的类中 在 search() 下添加此行,以按 id 降序显示记录。

$criteria->order = 'ID DESC';

您也可以使用 defaultSort 来默认设置

$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Nameofclass', array(
        'defaultOrder'=>'ID DESC',
 $criteria = new CDbCriteria;
    $criteria->compare('id', $this->id);
    $criteria->compare('date', $this->date, true);
    $criteria->compare('last', $this->last, true);
    $criteria->compare('first', $this->first, true);
    //$criteria->order = 'id DESC'; // thats not works, if you use CSORT
    return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(
        'criteria' => $criteria,
        'pagination' => array(
            'pageSize' => 20
        'sort' => array(
                'attributes' => array(
                     'id' => array("asc" => 'id', "desc" => 'id desc'),
                     'last' => array("asc" => 'last', "desc" => 'last desc'),
                     'first' => array("asc" => 'first', "desc" => 'first desc'),
                     'date' => array("asc" => 'date', "desc" => 'date desc'),
                ),//attributes array
               'defaultOrder' => 'id DESC',//thats the clue, defaultOrder is on the sort array
        ),//sort array