如何使用 PHP/SQL 为我的用户提供电子邮件地址并设置 Webmail

How to give my users email addresses with PHP/SQL and set up Webmail?



假设他们去 example.com 注册一个帐户,一旦他们注册,他们就会收到一封 username@example.com 的电子邮件,他们可以查看他们的收件箱/发件箱文件夹,并将邮件发送到任何地方,而不仅仅是在网站上向其他人发送消息。我有几个域名想这样做。


如何使用 PHP 注册电子邮件,以及访问收件箱/发件箱?


自己创建它,以便我可以用我自己的网站实现它,所以我想避免使用 RoundCube 或其他类似的网络邮件服务。


include("xmlapi.php");   //XMLAPI cpanel client class
// Default whm/cpanel account info
$ip = ""; // should be server IP address or if local server
$account = "";// cpanel user account name
$passwd = '';// cpanel user password
$port =2083;// cpanel secure authentication port unsecure port# 2082
$email_domain = "";// email domain (usually same as cPanel domain)
$email_quota = 50; // default amount of space in megabytes
/*************End of Setting***********************/
$xmlapi = new xmlapi($ip);
$xmlapi->set_port($port);  //set port number. cpanel client class allow you to access WHM as well using WHM port.
$xmlapi->password_auth($account, $passwd);   // authorization with password. not as secure as hash.
// cpanel email addpop function Parameters
$call = array(domain=>$email_domain, email=>$email_user, password=>$email_pass, quota=>$email_quota);
//$xmlapi->set_debug(1);//output to error file  set to 1 to see error_log.
// making call to cpanel api
$result = $xmlapi->api2_query($account, "Email", "addpop", $call );
// cpanel email fwdopt function Parameters
$dest_email="";// if  specified by user in the form 
$call_f  = array(domain=>$email_domain, email=>$email_user, fwdopt=>"fwd", fwdemail=>$dest_email);
$result_forward = $xmlapi->api2_query($account, "Email", "addforward", $call_f); //create a forward if you want

if ($result->data->result == 1){
    $msg = $email_user.'@'.$email_domain.' account created';

这是类文件 xmlapi.php

$email_quota = 50;//默认空间量(以兆字节为单位)
