if 语句在预期工作时未执行

If statement not being executed when it is expected to work

>我有以下三个表 - users_thoughtsuserspost_favourites。我的社交网站中有一个功能,允许用户收藏帖子(帖子存储在user_thoughts中,当帖子被收藏时,即当调用favourite_post.php时,它会将收藏夹存储在post_favourites表中)。

如果登录用户没有收藏帖子,它将显示Glyphicon heart-empty。但是,如果用户收藏某个帖子,则会显示Glyphicon-heart



id: 1
first_name: conor
id: 2
first_name: Alice
id: 3
first_name: Anderson


id: 100
message: This is a post by Alice.
added_by: Alice
id: 101
message: This is a post by Anderson
added_by: Anderson


id: 1
user_id: 1 (This is the id of the user who has favourited the post, see users table)
thought_id: 101 

假设我以 Conor 身份登录。如您所见,Conor收藏了Anderson的帖子,因此应该会出现Glyphicon-heart,因为登录用户已经收藏了安德森的帖子。但Glyphicon-heart-empty出现了,尽管我的数据库说康纳喜欢安德森的帖子。



$count = mysqli_query ($connect, "SELECT * FROM user_thoughts");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_thoughts_from_db)) {
    $thought_id      = $row['id'];
    // Get all user_ids attachted to a thought ($thought_id)
    $get_user_id = mysqli_query ($connect, "SELECT * FROM post_favourites WHERE thought_id = '$thought_id'");
        $id_fetch = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($get_user_id);
        $all_user_id = $id_fetch ['user_id'];
        $post_id = $id_fetch ['thought_id'];
    // get id of users from users table
    $get__id = mysqli_query ($connect, "SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = '$username'");
        $id_fetch2 = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($get__id);
        $logged_in_user = $id_fetch2 ['id'];    
if ($post_id == $thought_id){
    // If the post has already been favourited by the username, then display this icon with funtionality.   
         if ($all_user_id == $logged_in_user){
                echo "$get_num_of_favs
                <a href='/inc/unfavourite_post.php?id=";?><?php echo $thought_id;?><?php echo "'>
                        <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-heart' aria-hidden='true' style='padding-right: 5px;'></span> 
            // if the post hasn't been favourited by the username, display this icon.
            else {
                echo "$get_num_of_favs
                <a href='/inc/favourite_post.php?id=";?><?php echo $thought_id;?><?php echo "'>
                        <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-heart-empty' aria-hidden='true' style='padding-right: 5px;'></span> 

我需要它,因此登录用户已经收藏的帖子会用heart图标显示,即执行 if 语句。但目前,安德森的This is a post by Anderson帖子 - 康纳最喜欢的,显示heart-empty - 这意味着else声明正在执行,我不知道为什么?


$get_user_id = mysqli_query ($connect, "SELECT * FROM post_favourites WHERE thought_id = '$thought_id'");

将没有当前登录用户的user_id。您应该将 $logged_in_user 添加到 WHERE 子句中:

$get_user_id = mysqli_query ($connect, "SELECT * FROM post_favourites WHERE thought_id = '$thought_id' AND user_id = '$logged_in_user'");


php 中的整个复杂逻辑可以通过在 sql 查询中使用连接来替换,以合并所有相关表中的数据:

select *
from user_thoughts u
left join post_favourites p on u.id=p.thought_id and u.user_id=$_SESSION['userid']

$_SESSION['userid'] 是当前登录用户的用户 ID。将其与用户名一起存储在会话中。

当你在 php 中循环访问结果集时,如果 thought_id==''(空字符串),那么你就知道当前用户还不喜欢这篇文章。