PHP - 查找多维数组之间的差异,但保留索引

PHP - Find the differences between multidimensional arrays, but keep the index



Array (
    [rowid] => Array
            [0] => 200
            [1] => 400
            [2] => 500
    [description] => Array
            [0] => text1
            [1] => text2
            [2] => text3
    [qty] => Array
            [0] => 1
            [1] => 20
            [2] => 1


    [rowid] => Array
            [0] => 200
            [1] => 500
    [description] => Array
            [0] => newtext1
            [1] => newtext3
    [qty] => Array
            [0] => 50
            [1] => 60


干草堆值 200 描述文本 1 存在于针中,但已修改 在 newtext1 中,数量 = 50(针键 0)
缺少干草堆值 400
干草堆值 500 描述文本 3 存在于针中,但经过修改 在数量 = 60 的新文本 3 中(针键 2)


   foreach ($haystack["rowid"] as $key => $value) :
                $result = recursive_array_search($haystack["rowid"][$key],$needle);
                if ($result) {              
                    //found the same rowid
                else { 
                    //not found 
    function recursive_array_search($needle,$haystack) {
            foreach($haystack as $key=>$value) {
                if($needle===$value OR (is_array($value) && recursive_array_search($needle,$value) !== false)) {
                    return array("key" => $current_key, "value" => $value);
            return false; 

但是当 $key = 2(最后$haystack键)时$result["值"] 或 $result["键"] 变为"null"$needle因为它只有 0 和 1 个键!如何编辑函数?非常感谢,我不是多维数组的专家!

使用新的索引$i :)简单地解决

foreach ($haystack["rowid"] as $key => $value) :
        $result = recursive_array_search($haystack["rowid"][$key],$needle["rowid"]);
        if ($result) {              
            //found new value in $needle["description"][$i]
        else { 
            //not found
