从 SQL 查询创建发票,而无需将查询置于循环中

Creating an invoice from SQL query without putting query in a loop


有两个表:customerstransactions。当需要创建发票时,有两个查询,第二个不幸的是在 while 循环中。这里有一些简化的伪代码来展示我正在做的事情:

// Get list of customers who owe something
SELECT name, address 
FROM customers 
   (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM transactions 
    WHERE transactions.customer_id = customers.id 
    AND owed > 0) 
  > 0
ORDER BY address
//loop through that result and query the transactions table to get a   
//list of charges for each customer. Like:
while ($row = customer_array()) {
    echo name_and_address;
    SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE id = $row['customer_id']
      AND owed = TRUE ORDER BY date
      while ($row = transactions_array()) {
        echo each_transaction_row;



CREATE TABLE `customer_data` (
`account_id` int(6) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`service_address` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`service_zipcode` int(5) DEFAULT NULL,
`first_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`last_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`billing_address1` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`billing_address2` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`billing_city` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`billing_state` varchar(2) DEFAULT NULL,
`billing_zipcode` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`phone1` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`phone2` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`quoted_price` int(6) DEFAULT NULL,
`current_price` int(6) DEFAULT NULL,
`original_interval` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`current_interval` varchar(7) DEFAULT NULL,
`temp_interval` int(5) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`origin_date` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`remarks` text,
`crew_remarks` text NOT NULL,
`customer_type` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`perm_crew_assign` int(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`temp_crew_assign` int(5) NOT NULL,
`date_last_service` date DEFAULT NULL,
`next_scheduled_date` date DEFAULT NULL,
`excluded_days` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`special_instructions` text NOT NULL,
`inactive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`location` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`sent_letter` date NOT NULL,
`date_added` datetime NOT NULL,
`email_notify` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`account_id`)
CREATE TABLE `transactions` (
`transaction_id` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`account_id` int(6) NOT NULL,
`crew_id` int(3) NOT NULL,
`date_performed` date NOT NULL,
`date_recorded` datetime NOT NULL,
`price` int(6) NOT NULL,
`amount_paid` int(6) NOT NULL,
`description` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`user` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`status` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
PRIMARY KEY (`transaction_id`)


SELECT c.name, c.address, t.*
FROM customers  AS c
JOIN transactions AS t ON (t.customer_id = c.customers.id)
WHERE c.owed > 0
ORDER BY `c`.`name`
// Data looks like this
// | customer.name | customer.address | transaction.* |
$prevName = null;
$prevCustTransList = [];
$prevCustTransTotalOwed = 0;
while ($row = result_array()) { // pseudo code
    if ( $row['c.name'] != $prevName ) {
        if ( $prevName != null  && $prevCustTransTotalOwed > 0 ) {
            echo $prevName; // pseudo code
            foreach($prevCustTransList as $t) {
                echo $t; // pseudo code
        $prevName = $row['c.name'];
        $prevCustTransTotalOwed = 0;
        $prevCustTransList = [];
    // Keep the list of transactions to print out later.
    $prevCustTransList[] = transaction data; // pseudo code
    // Keep a running total of the amount owed
    // Replace with actual calculation
    $prevCustTransTotalOwed += transaction.price;


$st_date = '2016-01-01';
$end_date = '2016-02-01';
//select sql
SELECT c.name,c.account_id, ts.*
FROM customer_data c
INNER JOIN transactions ts ON (c.account_id = ts.account_id)
WHERE ts.price > 0 and ts.date_performed between $st_date and $end_data
$current_account_id = null;
while ($row = $results) {
   if ($current_account_id != $row['account_id']) {
      //print customer name, details, etc..
   //print the transactions detail
   echo $results['transaction_id']; //etc...
   //keep track of the current customer
   $current_account_id = $row['account_id']