致命错误: 声明 .必须与 兼容..PHP

Fatal error: Declaration of .. must be compatible with .. PHP


Fatal error: Declaration of Shoppingcart::addToCart() must be compatible with that of Ishoppingcart::addToCart() in klassen.php on line 118


// begin
interface Ishoppingcart{
    public function addToCart();
    public function printOverzicht();
abstract class Shoppingcart implements Ishoppingcart
    protected $producten = array();
    public function addToCart( Product $product) {
        $this->producten[] = $product;
class Myshoppingcart extends Shoppingcart {
    public function printOverzicht(){
        echo ("<table border=1>
        <td colspan='7'>Bestellingoverzicht</td>
        <td bgcolor=#cccccc> Product ID</td>
        <td bgcolor=#cccccc> Beschrijving</td>
        <td bgcolor=#cccccc> Merk</td>
        <td bgcolor=#cccccc> Model</td>
        <td bgcolor=#cccccc> Prijs</td>
        <td bgcolor=#cccccc> Aantal</td>
        <td bgcolor=#cccccc> Korting</td>
        foreach($this->producten as $product){
            $rij = "";
            $rij .= "<tr>";
            $rij .= "<td>".$product->getID()."</td>";
            $rij .= "<td>".$product->getBeschrijving()."</td>";
            $rij .= "<td>".$product->getMerk()."</td>";
            $rij .= "<td>".$product->getModel()."</td>";
            $rij .= "<td>".$product->getPrijs()."</td>";
            $rij .= "<td>".$product->getAantal()."</td>";
            $rij .= "<td>".$product->getKorting()."</td>";
            $rij .= "</tr>";
            echo ($rij);
        echo ("</table>");
class Product {
    private $id;
    private $beschrijving;
    private $merk;
    private $model;
    private $prijs;
    private $aantal;
    private $korting;
    function __construct($id,
        $this->id = $id;
        $this->beschrijving = $beschrijving;
        $this->merk = $merk;
        $this->model = $model;
        $this->prijs = $prijs;
        $this->aantal = $aantal;
        $this->korting = $korting;
        echo ("<br />Nieuw Product object $beschrijving wordt aangemaakt");
    public function __destruct(){
        // voer benodigde acties uit
        echo ("<br />Product object $this->beschrijving wordt verwijderd");
    // set function
    public function setId($id){
        $this->id = $id;
    public function setBeschrijving($beschrijving){
        $this->beschrijving = $beschrijving;
    public function setMerk($merk){
        $this->merk = $merk;
    public function setModel($model){
        $this->model = $model;
    public function setPrijs($prijs){
        $this->prijs = $prijs;
    public function setAantal($aantal){
        $this->aantal = $aantal;
    public function setKorting($korting){
        $this->korting = $korting;
    // get function
    public function getId(){
        return $this->id = $id;
    public function getBeschrijving(){
        return $this->beschrijving;
    public function getMerk(){
        return $this->merk;
    public function getModel(){
        return $this->model;
    public function getPrijs(){
        return $this->prijs;
    public function getAantal(){
        return $this->aantal;
    public function getKorting(){
        return $this->korting;
    // printProductInfo
    public function printProductInfo(){
    $rij = "<tr><td>$this->id</td>";
    $rij .= "<td>$this->beschrijving</td>";
    $rij .= "<td>$this->merk</td>";
    $rij .= "<td>$this->model</td>";
    $rij .= "<td>$this->prijs</td>";
    $rij .= "<td>$this->aantal</td>";
    $rij .= "<td>$this->korting</td>";  
    echo ($rij);
// einde

Ishoppingcart::addToCart()声明该方法不接受任何参数,而实现Shoppingcart::addToCart(Product $product)要求必须将类型为 Product 的参数传递到方法中。这意味着两个声明都是不兼容的,虽然必须满足实现的接口,但 PHP 会抛出显示的错误。

解决方案是将Ishoppingcart::addToCart()更改为Ishoppingcart::addToCart(Product $product),以便它需要类型为 Product 的参数,或者更改Shoppingcart::addToCart(Product $product)以允许任何参数传递到方法中:Shoppingcart::addToCart(Product $product = null) ;



public function addToCart();
public function addToCart( Product $product)





abstract public function crawled(Something $some): void;


public function crawled(Something $some): void {

就我而言,我缺少: void返回类型。

界面 Ishoppingcart似乎定义了没有参数的addToShoppingCart,但是类Shoppingcart定义了相同的函数,将产品作为参数。我想界面中的方法也应该将 Product 作为参数。
