
Laravel - model self reference belongsToMany with other relation and query with multiple restrictions

我有 3 个表:


| id  | order_flag  |   type    |           key            | unit_cost  | unit_produce  |     created_at       |     updated_at      |
|  1  |         10  | resource  | building1                |        10  |            0  | 2015-01-30 08:54:44  | 2015-01-30 08:54:44 |
|  2  |         20  | resource  | building2                |         5  |            0  | 2015-01-30 08:54:44  | 2015-01-30 08:54:44 |
|  3  |         30  | resource  | building3                |        10  |            0  | 2015-01-30 08:54:44  | 2015-01-30 08:54:44 |
|  4  |         10  | basic     | building4                |         0  |           25  | 2015-01-30 08:54:44  | 2015-01-30 08:54:44 |


| id  | building_id  | user_id  | level  |     created_at       |     updated_at      |
|  1  |           2  |      12  |     3  | 2015-01-30 08:52:57  | 2015-01-30 08:55:37 |
|  2  |           4  |      12  |     1  | 2015-01-30 08:53:53  | 2015-01-30 08:53:53 |
|  3  |           1  |      12  |     2  | 2015-01-30 08:54:08  | 2015-01-30 08:55:10 |


| id  | building_id  | require_id  | level  |     created_at       |     updated_at      |
|  1  |           1  |          4  |     1  | 2015-01-30 08:54:44  | 2015-01-30 08:54:44 |
|  2  |           3  |          1  |     5  | 2015-01-30 08:54:44  | 2015-01-30 08:54:44 |


    # Building Require another Building(s)
    public function requires() {
        return $this->belongsToMany('Building', 'building_require', 'building_id', 'require_id')->withPivot(array(
    public function users() {
        return $this->belongsToMany('User')->withPivot(array('level'));

现在我想从桌子建筑中选择所有建筑物.. 以下限制:

  1. 如果building_require表中没有来自建筑物的条目,则此建筑物可以在结果中。

  2. 如果此建筑物在building_require表中有一个条目,则必须检查building_user表中是否有条目,其中building_id与building_required表中的required_id相同。

(示例 building_id 1 需要building_id 4,building_id 3 需要building_id 1 的条目。

除此之外(这是困难的部分),还必须检查building_user表中的条目是否具有级别值>= 作为building_require表中定义的级别。


在 这种情况building_id 1 需要在 building_user 中输入条目,其中 building_id 是 4 并且级别至少为 1。building_id 3 需要输入 building_user其中building_id为 1,级别至少为 5。 所以 - building_id 1 和 3 有一个必需的建筑物。建筑与 ID 2 和 4 在结果中没有限制。 在这种情况下,仅允许使用 building_id 3。因为building_user表中building_id 1 的水平只有 2,而不是至少 5。


# all buildings there has a required building:
$allRequiredBuildingIds = DB::table('building_require')->lists('building_id');
# if user has buildings, this buildings must remove from $allRequiredBuildingIds
if(Sentry::getUser()->buildings()->count() > 0) {
    # list all building_id 's of the user_building table
    $userBuildingIds = Sentry::getUser()->buildings()->lists('building_id');
    # list all building_id's of the buildings there are required and already stored in the building_user table
    $userBuildingRequiredIds = DB::table('building_require')->whereIn('require_id', $userBuildingIds)->lists('building_id');
    # there are all the building_id's which are not allowed to display
    $allRequiredBuildingIds = array_values(array_diff($allRequiredBuildingIds,$userBuildingRequiredIds));
# if there are buildings there are not allowed to display?
if(count($allRequiredBuildingIds) > 0) {
    $buildings = Building::whereType($type)->whereNotIn('id', $allRequiredBuildingIds)->paginate(10);
    $buildings = Building::whereType($type)->paginate(10);


我有一个理论认为这可能有效,但我还没有测试它。我认为关键是只在 wherehas 关闭中使用内部的 Join,从而允许 Eloquent 构建器保持活动状态。

    ->orWhereHas('users', function($q) {
        $q->join('building_require', 'building_user.building_id', '=', 'building_require.required_id')
          ->where('building_user.level', '>=', 'building_require.level');


select * from `buildings` where (
  select count(*) from `building_require` as `x` where `x`.`building_id` = `buildings`.`id`
) < 1 or (
  select count(*) from `users` 
  inner join `building_user` on `users`.`id` = `building_user`.`user_id` 
  inner join `building_require` on `building_user`.`building_id` = `building_require`.`required_id` 
  where `building_user`.`building_id` = `buildings`.`id` 
  and `building_user`.`level` >= building_require.level
) >= 1

不幸的是,这不会解决问题。它将返回 building_require.required_id 建筑物,而不是 building_require.building_id 建筑物。我设法在原始SQL中找出正确的查询,但我不确定如何在Eloquent中修复它:


select * from `buildings` where (
  select count(*) from `building_require` as `x` where `x`.`building_id` = `buildings`.`id`
) < 1 or (
  select count(*) from `users` 
  inner join `building_user` on `users`.`id` = `building_user`.`user_id` 
  inner join `building_require` on `building_user`.`building_id` = `building_require`.`required_id` 
  where building_require.building_id =
  and `building_user`.`level` >= building_require.level
) >= 1;