已提交 If 语句未定义错误

Submitted If statement undefined error

我在以下方面有问题:if ($_POST['已提交'] == "true") { 此行不断产生未定义的错误"未定义的索引:在第 13 行以 C:''wamp''www''oop_settings''index.php 提交

    include_once ("includes/settings.php");
    //include_once ("includes/optional.php");
    var_dump($_POST);// Sanity check
  if ($_POST['Submitted'] == "true") {
    $Errors = "";
    $_SESSION['LoggedIn'] = false;
    $_SESSION['UserID'] = "";
    $_SESSION['UserAdmin'] = false;
    // process submitted data
    $userSQL = $Database->Execute("SELECT UserID, UserFullname, UserEmail, UserLastPassword FROM Users WHERE UserName = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($Text->ValidSQLString($_POST['Username'])) . "' AND UserPassword = '" . md5($_POST['Password']) . "' AND UserActive = 1 AND UserListingOnly = 0 AND UserID NOT IN (61)");
     $UserCount = $Database->RecordCount($userSQL);
//echo $userSQL;
    if ($UserCount == 1) {
        // user found
        $rowUser = $Database->Records($userSQL);
        $LastMonth = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, (date("m") - 1), date("d"), date("Y")));
        if ($rowUser['UserLastPassword'] <= $LastMonth) {
            // password expired, generate new password
            $Errors = "Your password has expired, your new password has been sent to your inbox.";
            $NewPassword = $Text->ResetPassword();
            $userpasswordSQL = "UPDATE Users SET UserPassword = '" . md5($NewPassword) . "', UserLastPassword = '" . date("Y-m-d") . "' WHERE UserID = " . $rowUser['UserID'];
            $dbUserPassword = $Database->Execute($userpasswordSQL) or die ("New Password Query Failed: " . mysql_error());
            mail($rowUser['UserEmail'], "Watkins Hire - Your New Password", "Your old password has expired for security reasons.'n'nYour new password is: $NewPassword", "From: password@watkinshire.co.uk");
        }// end UserCount

    }//end if
}//end if
else {
            // valid log in
            $_SESSION['LoggedIn'] = true;
            $_SESSION['UserID'] = $rowUser['UserID'];
            LoginForm(); // call the form function
}// end else if

POST 请求没有索引"已提交",这就是为什么 PHP 告诉你它是未定义的。

如注释所示,您应该首先使用 isset() 测试它来检查它是否存在,然后验证此索引的值。


因为它还不存在。如果只需要设置isset(),请使用 ,如果要确保值不是空字符串,请使用 !empty()0null检查值。

if (isset($_POST['Submitted']) && $_POST['Submitted'] == "true") {

检查表单提交名称 $_POST['submitted'] - submitted应该是提交名称的名称


 <input type="submit" name="submitted">
