使用 PHP 的 EBS 支付网关集成

EBS payment gateway integration using PHP

我需要集成EBS支付网关。 我正在搜索很多,但我可以找到解决方案。使用 POST 方法对付款请求中 ReturnURL 参数下定义的 URL 提供响应。 $response['ResponseCode'] == 0表示事务已成功完成。除 0 值外,事务失败。我找不到$response['ResponseCode'] == 0.


if(isset($_GET['DR'])) {
 $DR = preg_replace("/'s/","+",$_GET['DR']);
 $rc4 = new Crypt_RC4($secret_key);
 $QueryString = base64_decode($DR);
 $QueryString = split('&',$QueryString);
 $response = array();
 foreach($QueryString as $param){
    $param = split('=',$param);
    $response[$param[0]] = urldecode($param[1]);

我会了解与 EBC 的集成是如何完成的,并将现有的 Broadleaf 支付模块之一视为模板。


- Does EBC provide an API for direct server to server communication? (i.e. the Credit Card information is passed to your server and then relayed to the gateway? If so, take a look at http://docs.broadleafcommerce.org/curre ... odule.html
- Does EBC provide a mechanism for a Transparent Redirect or Silent Post? (i.e. the Credit Card form is sent directly to EBC thereby bypassing the merchant servers? If so, take a look at http://docs.broadleafcommerce.org/curre ... e.net.html
- Does EBC provide a mechanism for a Hosted Order Page? (i.e. you get redirected to EBC's servers to enter your credit card information. If so, take a look at http://docs.broadleafcommerce.org/curre ... odule.html)


参考 : http://www.fetchflow.com/blog/authorize-net-invoicing