
How to compare value of a dynamically created radio button

我正在从MySQL动态生成一组单选按钮。按钮正在创建,分配给它们的变量正在填充,就像我做echo print_r一样,它显示了变量的数组。我现在想比较由此产生的值,如果值为"0",我想插入一个分数,并显示一个绿色的复选图形和单词correct。如果值为"1",我希望它为分数输入不同的值,并显示"不正确"和红色X图形。以下是我到目前为止所拥有的(所有内容都以单选按钮的形式动态填充问题和答案):

echo '<form id="frmQuestion" name="frmQuestion" method="post" action="QuizQuestion1.php">';
// Connect to the Database
//create the query for the question
$q = "SELECT `Question` FROM tbl_Question WHERE QuestionID = 1";
//Create the query for the Answers
$q2 = "SELECT `Answer`,`AnswerStatusID`,`AnswerResponse` FROM tbl_Answer WHERE QuestionID = 1";
//Run the query
$r = mysqli_query($conn,$q);
//run the answer query
$r2 = mysqli_query($conn,$q2);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($r,MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
    echo '<div id="Question1"><p> ' . $row['Question'] . '</div></p>';
//Declare the variables as a array
$AnswerResponse = array();
$AnswerStatusID = array();
while($row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($r2,MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
    echo '<div id="Question1"><input name="q1" type="radio" value="'.$AnswerStatusID.'"/>' . $row2['Answer'] . '</div><br/>';
    //Assign the AnswerStatusID to a var
    $AnswerStatusID[] = $row2['AnswerStatusID'];
    //Assign the AnswerResponse to a var
    $AnswerResponse[] = $row2['AnswerResponse'];
//Create the submit button 
echo '<input type="submit" value="Submit Answer" name="submit"/>';
echo '</form>';
//Logic for correct or incorrect answers
if (isset($_POST['q1']) && ($_POST['q1'] == '0'))
    //create the query for the score
    $q3 = "INSERT INTO tbl_Score (`Score`,`QuestionID`) VALUES ('100%','1')";   
    //Run the query 
    $r = @mysqli_query ($conn,$q3);
        //Confirm message data was entered with a correct response and a graphic
        echo '<h1>Correct!!</h1><img src="/images/green_Check_Low.jpg" alt="Green Check"/>';
        echo '<a href="QuizQuestion2.php">Click here for the next question</a>';
        //there was an error
        echo'<h1>System error</h1>';
        //Debugging message
        echo'<p>' . mysqli_error($conn) . '<br/><br/>Query:' . $q3 . '</p>';
    }//End of nested IF
    //create the query for the score
    $q4 = "INSERT INTO tbl_Score (`Score`,`QuestionID`) VALUES ('0%','1')"; 
    //Run the query 
    $r2 = @mysqli_query ($conn,$q3);
        //Confirm message data was entered with a correct response and a graphic
        echo '<h1>Incorrect!!</h1><img src="/images/red_X_Low.jpg" alt="Red X"/>';
        echo '<a href="QuizQuestion2.php">Click here for the next question</a>';
        //there was an error
        echo'<h1>System error</h1>';
        //Debugging message
        echo'<p>' . mysqli_error($conn) . '<br/><br/>Query:' . $q3 . '</p>';
    }//End of nested IF
//Free up the results for the Question query
//Free up the results from the Answer query
//close the DB connection


//Declare the variables as a array
$AnswerResponse = array();
$AnswerStatusID = array();
while($row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($r2,MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
echo '<div id="Question1"><input name="q1" type="radio" value="'.$row2['AnswerStatusID'].'"/>' . $row2['Answer'] . '</div><br/>';
//Assign the AnswerStatusID to a var
$AnswerStatusID[] = $row2['AnswerStatusID'];
//Assign the AnswerResponse to a var
$AnswerResponse[] = $row2['AnswerResponse'];

//Create the submit button 
 echo '<input type="submit" value="Submit Answer" name="submit"/>';
echo '<input type="hidden"name="submitted"value="TRUE"/>';
echo '</form>';

if($_POST['submitted']) { 
//Logic for correct or incorrect answers
if (isset($_POST['q1']) && ($_POST['q1'] == '0'))
//create the query for the score
$q3 = "INSERT INTO tbl_Score (`Score`,`QuestionID`) VALUES ('100%','1')";   
//Run the query 
$r3 = @mysqli_query ($conn,$q3);
//Confirm message data was entered with a correct response and a graphic
echo '<h1>Correct!!</h1><img src="/images/green_Check_Low.jpg" alt="Green Check"/>';
echo '<a href="QuizQuestion2.php">Click here for the next question</a>';

//create the query for the score
$q4 = "INSERT INTO tbl_Score (`Score`,`QuestionID`) VALUES ('0%','1')"; 
//Run the query 
$r4 = @mysqli_query ($conn,$q4);
//Confirm message data was entered with a correct response and a graphic
echo '<h1>Incorrect!!</h1><img src="/images/red_X_Low.jpg" alt="Red X"/><br/>';
echo '<a href="QuizQuestion1.php">Click here to try again</a>';