
Which is the best practice to access config inside a function?

define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__)); //Absolute path to index
* Method 1
* Dependency Injection
class Config{
    private $_config = NULL;
    private $_filepath = NULL;
    public function __construct($filepath){
        $this->_filepath = $filepath;
    private function load(){
        if ($this->_config === NULL){
            if (!file_exists($this->_filepath)){
                throw new Exception('Configuration file not found');
                $this->_config = parse_ini_file($this->_filepath);
    public function get($key){
        if ($this->_config === NULL){
            throw new Exception('Configuration file is not loaded');
        if (isset($this->_config[$key])){
            return $this->_config[$key];
            throw new Exception('Variable ' . $key . ' does not exist in configuration file');
function getLost($where, $why, $who){
    //do smth
    $config = new Config(ABSPATH . '/app/config.ini');
    getLost('here', 'because', $config->get('who'));    
}catch(Exception $e){
    echo $e->getMessage();

* Method 2
* Config is accessed via static class
class Config{
    private static $_config = NULL;
    private static $_filepath = NULL;
    public static function load($filepath){
        if (self::$_config === NULL){
            self::$_filepath = $filepath;
            if (!file_exists(self::$_filepath)){
                throw new Exception('Configuration file not found');
                self::$_config = parse_ini_file(self::$_filepath);
    public static function get($key){
        if (self::$_config !== NULL){
            throw new Exception('Configuration file is not loaded');
        if (isset(self::$_config[$key])){
            return self::$_config[$key];
            throw new Exception('Variable ' . $key . ' does not exist in configuration file');
function getLost($where, $why){
    $who = Config::get('who');
    Config::load(ABSPATH . '/app/config.ini');
    getLost('here', 'because');    
}catch(Exception $e){
    echo $e->getMessage();

* Method 3
* Config variable needed is passed as function parameter
$config = parse_ini_file(ABSPATH . '/app/config.ini');
function getLost($where, $why, $who){
    //do smth
getLost('here', 'because', $config['who']);

* Mathod 4
* Config is accessed inside a function via global
$config = parse_ini_file(ABSPATH . '/app/config.ini');
function getLost($where, $why){
    global $config;
    $who = $config['who'];
getLost('here', 'because');


我会选择变体 1(依赖注入(。

变体 2 使用static方法,如前所述,这些方法只是另一种global方法。我们都知道这很糟糕,对吧?右?

变体 3 不是我最喜欢的,因为它不够 OOP ;-(,但很严重:如果您(或使用您的代码的人(想要更改配置文件的格式怎么办?

变体 4:global ...


所以变体 1 是。我还会为 config 类创建一个接口,以便您稍后可以为配置内容添加不同的类。例如,您(或其他人(想要使用XML文件进行配置。


阅读更多关于 SOLID 的信息,并查看 Google 清洁代码讨论以获取更多信息。

