PHP If语句用所有代码响应,而不是打印答案

PHP If statement responding with all code rather than printing answer


<!DOCTYPE html>
$row = "A1 Header";
$compulsary = FALSE;
$mutable = TRUE;
$included = FALSE;
if ($compulsary == FALSE and $mutable == TRUE) {
        echo "<textarea style=background-color:yellow; name='"message'">Please Enter</textarea><br>";
elseif ($compulsary == FALSE and $mutable == FALSE){    
        echo "'"$row"'";
elseif ($compulsary == True and $mutable == True) {
    echo "<textarea style=background-color:yellow; name='"message'">Please Enter</textarea><br>";
else {
    echo "'"$row"'";
You can do like this:  

<!DOCTYPE html>
    $row = "A1 Header";
    $compulsary = FALSE;
    $mutable = TRUE;
    $included = FALSE;
    if ($compulsary == FALSE and $mutable == TRUE) {
            echo "<textarea style='background-color:yellow;' name=''"message'"'>Please Enter</textarea><br>";
    elseif ($compulsary == FALSE and $mutable == FALSE){    
            echo $row;
    elseif ($compulsary == TRUE and $mutable == TRUE) {
        echo "<textarea style='background-color:yellow;' name=''"message'"'>Please Enter</textarea><br>";
    else {
        echo $row;


<!DOCTYPE html>
        $row = "A1 Header";
        $compulsary = FALSE;
        $mutable = TRUE;
        $included = FALSE;
        if ($compulsary == FALSE and $mutable == TRUE) {
            echo "<textarea style=background-color:yellow; name='"message'">Please Enter</textarea><br>";
        } elseif ($compulsary == FALSE and $mutable == FALSE) {
            echo "'".$row."'";
        } elseif ($compulsary == True and $mutable == True) {
            echo "<textarea style=background-color:yellow; name='"message'">Please Enter</textarea><br>";
        } else {
            echo "'".$row."'";


echo "''"$row'"'";