
why use $this in below code & if i not use then what happen and using $this what benifit i have?

class Foo {
    public $Amount = 10;
    public function LoopAmount() {
        for( $x = 1; $x <= $this->Amount; $x++ ) {
            print $x . "'n";


除非您使用 SOLID 架构(也称为面向对象编程(编写代码,否则好处不会立即显现出来。


class Person {
  private $eyeColor;
  private $name;
  public function __construct($name, $eyeColor) { //when we create a person, they need a name and eye color
    $this->name = $name;
    $this->eyeColor = $eyeColor;
    //now the person has the properties we created them with!
  public function describe() {
    //and now we can use the person's properties anywhere in the class
    echo "{$this->name} has {$this->eyeColor} eyes.";
  public function setName($name) { //this is called a "setter" or "mutator" study about those!
    $this->name = $name;
$Sarah = new Person('Sarah Smith', 'brown');
//Sarah Smith has brown eyes.
//now, if Sarah gets married and changes her name:
$Sarah->setName('Sarah Doe');
//Sarah Doe has brown eyes.

