
Using PHP inside a SQL query to determine how the next part of the query should be




对于月份下拉列表,我有一个所有月份(1月至12月)的列表,值为01-12。我还有一个值为00的选项,这个选项我想表示所有的月份,所以如果用户选择这个选项,SQL查询应该忽略AND MONTH()=值;


$sql = "SELECT      oc_order.order_id AS orderID,               
                oc_order.firstname AS firstname,
                oc_order.lastname AS lastname,
                oc_order.payment_code AS paycode,
                oc_order.order_status_id AS statusID,
                oc_order.total AS totalsumma,
                oc_order.date_added AS date
    FROM        oc_order
    WHERE       (oc_order.order_status_id = 5 OR oc_order.order_status_id = 31)
    AND         MONTH(date_added) = '$chosenmonth'
    AND         YEAR(date_added) = '$chosenyear'
    AND         oc_order.payment_code = '$chosenpayway'
    ORDER BY orderID ASC";

我想做的是将AND MONTH()替换为以下内容:

". $chosenmonth != '00' ? 'AND MONTH(date_added) = ''$chosenmonth''' : '' ."



$chosenmonth = $_GET["month"];
$chosenyear = $_GET["year"];
$chosenpayment = $_GET["pay"];
$ifmonth = ($chosenmonth != NULL ? "AND MONTH(date_added) = '$chosenmonth' " : "");
$ifyear = ($chosenyear != NULL ? "AND YEAR(date_added) = '$chosenyear' " : "");
$ifpay = ($chosenpayment != NULL ? "AND oc_order.payment_code = '$chosenpayment' " : "");
$sql = "SELECT  oc_order.order_id AS orderID,               
                oc_order.firstname AS firstname,
                oc_order.lastname AS lastname,
                oc_order.payment_code AS paycode,
                oc_order.order_status_id AS statusID,
                oc_order.total AS totalsumma,
                oc_order.date_added AS date
    FROM        oc_order
    WHERE       (oc_order.order_status_id = 5 OR oc_order.order_status_id = 31)
    ". $ifmonth . $ifyear . $ifpay ."       
    ORDER BY orderID ASC";


$sql = "SELECT  oc_order.order_id AS orderID,               
                oc_order.firstname AS firstname,
                oc_order.lastname AS lastname,
                oc_order.payment_code AS paycode,
                oc_order.order_status_id AS statusID,
                oc_order.total AS totalsumma,
                oc_order.date_added AS date
    FROM        oc_order
    WHERE       (oc_order.order_status_id = 5 OR oc_order.order_status_id = 31)
    ". ($chosenmonth != '00' ? "AND MONTH(date_added) = '$chosenmonth'" : "") ."
    AND         YEAR(date_added) = '$chosenyear'
    AND         oc_order.payment_code = '$chosenpayway'
    ORDER BY orderID ASC";


$monthcheck = $chosenmonth != '00' ? "AND MONTH(date_added) = '$chosenmonth'" : "";
$sql = "SELECT  oc_order.order_id AS orderID,               
                oc_order.firstname AS firstname,
                oc_order.lastname AS lastname,
                oc_order.payment_code AS paycode,
                oc_order.order_status_id AS statusID,
                oc_order.total AS totalsumma,
                oc_order.date_added AS date
    FROM        oc_order
    WHERE       (oc_order.order_status_id = 5 OR oc_order.order_status_id = 31)
    AND         YEAR(date_added) = '$chosenyear'
    AND         oc_order.payment_code = '$chosenpayway'
    ORDER BY orderID ASC";