在PHP中使用Visual FoxPro OLE DB Provider时避免注入攻击

Avoiding Injection Attacks when using Visual FoxPro OLE DB Provider in PHP

我正在使用visual fox pro OLE DB Provider(vfpoledb.dll)访问php中的VFP数据库。我想用与使用PDO或其他数据库抽象层相同(或类似)的方式为我要进行的查询准备语句。


$conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection");
$conn->Open('Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source="' . $path . '";');
// Bad!
$up = $conn->Execute("UPDATE tablename SET fieldname='Testing' WHERE fieldname = '" . $value . "'")
// Good?

或者/如果有人知道哪里有可以通过这个COM dll访问的方法的引用,那就太棒了。




            // Path to your dbc file
            $path = '/path/to/the/file.dbc';
            // Create A FoxPro connection
            $db = ADONewConnection('vfp');
            // Create DSN 
            $dsn = "Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver};SourceType=DBC;SourceDB=" . path . ";Exclusive=No;";
            // Contact or die trying
            $db->Connect($dsn) or die('Error connect with Visual FoxPro Driver');
            // Set fetch mode (this just makes the return values easier to parse)
            // Your Query - use ? as the var
            $query = "SELECT fieldname_a, fieldname_b FROM tablename WHERE fieldname_c = ? AND fieldname_d = ?";
            // Your Query Params
            $queryParms = array('valueYouAreSearchingFor_c', 'valueYouAreSearchingFor_d');
            // Execute the query
            $rs = $db->Execute($query, $queryParms);
            // An example looping the results (>= php5)
            foreach ($rs as $row) {
                // Print out examples
                echo $row["fieldname_a"];
                echo $row["fieldname_b"];
            // Don't forget to clean up after yourself