Reading php from an xml

Reading php from an xml




// The file test.xml contains an XML document with a root element
// and at least an element /[root]/title.
if (file_exists('metoforecast.xml')) {
    $xml = simplexml_load_file('metoforecast.xml');
} else {
    exit('Failed to open metoforecast.xml.');

我通过使用程序抓取 xml 进行编辑,并使用.xml文件名和上传到我的网站,就像我说的,我感到困惑:(
















更新于: 0252 于 周日 08 Mar 2015

<RegionalFcst xmlns="" createdOn="2015-03-07T15:10:53" issuedAt="2015-03-07T16:00:00" regionId="ee">
<Period id="day1to2">
<Paragraph title="Headline:">Dry with increasing cloud. Mild although breezy.</Paragraph>
<Paragraph title="This Evening and Tonight:">
After a fine evening and clear start to the night cloud will thicken after midnight, though most parts will stay dry. Breezy winds will continue overnight. Minimum Temperature 5C.
<Paragraph title="Sunday:">
Generally cloudy with periods of rain and some brighter spells during the afternoon. Winds should ease and western parts may see a bright evening. Maximum Temperature 12C.
<Period id="day3to5">
<Paragraph title="Outlook for Monday to Wednesday:">
Monday, a bright start but becoming windy with a spell of rain later. Tuesday should be fine with light winds. Wednesday starting fine but cloud thickening and wind strengthening later.
<Period id="day6to15">
<Paragraph title="UK Outlook for Thursday 12 Mar 2015 to Saturday 21 Mar 2015:">
It is likely that some rain will affect most parts on Thursday as a frontal system tracks its way eastwards across the UK. The rain may be heavy at times in the west with strong winds also possible. The rain may linger in the east into Friday but things should then turn more settled as high pressure is expected to develop. This leaves a lot of dry weather over the UK with some bright or sunny spells though there may well be large amounts of cloud and the odd spot of mostly light rain or drizzle. This situation looks to persist into the following week. Winds should be generally light with temperatures close to average for the time of year, although some cold nights are still likely.
<Period id="day16to30">
<Paragraph title="UK Outlook for Sunday 22 Mar 2015 to Sunday 5 Apr 2015:">
It is most probably that there will be a gradual weakening of the high pressure as we head through the latter part of March and into April. This means northern parts could well turn more unsettled, with showers or perhaps longer spells of rain. However, further south it looks like conditions are set to remain drier than average, with more spring sunshine. There is likely to be quite a large daily variation in temperatures, with warm days but chilly nights.



您可以使用 xpath 方法从 XML 文件中获取所有Paragraph元素,然后简单地循环访问结果:

// Load XML. Suppress warning on namespace not being absolute
@$xml = simplexml_load_file('metoforecast.xml');
// Create prefix for namespace
    "a", ""
// Get all Paragraph items from the XML
$paragraphs = $xml->xpath('//a:Paragraph');
// Loop through Paragraph items, displaying title and forecast
while (list( , $paragraph) = each($paragraphs)) {
    // Begin paragraph
    echo '<p>', PHP_EOL;
    // Display title unless headline
    if ($paragraph['title'] != "Headline:")
        echo $paragraph['title'] , ' ';
    // Display forecast for the day
    echo trim($paragraph), PHP_EOL;
    // End paragraph
    echo '</p>', PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;

使用上面提供的 XML 作为 metoforecast.xml 的内容运行上述代码,您将获得以下输出(为清楚起见缩进):

    Dry with increasing cloud. Mild although breezy.
    This Evening and Tonight: After a fine evening and clear start to the night
    cloud will thicken after midnight, though most parts will stay dry. Breezy
    winds will continue overnight. Minimum Temperature 5C.
    Sunday: Generally cloudy with periods of rain and some brighter spells
    during the afternoon. Winds should ease and western parts may see a bright
    evening. Maximum Temperature 12C.