将日期参数从 PHP 传递到 Crystal 报告

Pass Date Parameter From PHP to Crystal Report

我在将日期参数从 Windows 上的 PHP5 传递给 Crystal Reports 11 组件时遇到了很大的问题。当然,这应该很容易,但是各种注释掉的项目似乎不起作用:

$my_report = "C:''xampp'htdocs'wincare'laporan'adm_JumlahPasienPoli.rpt"; // rpt source file
$my_pdf = "C:''xampp'htdocs'wincare'laporan'adm_JumlahPasienPoli.pdf"; // RPT export to pdf file
//-Create new COM object-depends on your Crystal Report version
$ObjectFactory= new COM("CrystalReports115.ObjectFactory.1") or die ("Error on load"); // call COM port
$crapp = $ObjectFactory-> CreateObject("CrystalDesignRunTime.Application.11"); // create an instance for Crystal
$creport = $crapp->OpenReport($my_report,1); // call rpt report
// to refresh data before
//- Set database logon info - must have
$creport->Database->Tables(1)->SetLogOnInfo("localhost", "db_wincare", "sa", "sa");
//- field prompt or else report will hang - to get through
$creport->EnableParameterPrompting = 0;

// this is the error 
$zz = $creport->ParameterFields(1)->SetCurrentValue("2011-01-01 00:00:00");    
//export to PDF process
$creport->ExportOptions->DiskFileName=$my_pdf; //export to pdf
$creport->ExportOptions->DestinationType=1; // export to file
$creport->ExportOptions->FormatType=31; // PDF type
//------ Release the variables ------
$creport = null;
$crapp = null;
$ObjectFactory = null;
//------ Embed the report in the webpage ------
print "<embed src='"adm_JumlahPasienPoli.pdf'" width='"100%'" height='"100%'">"



致命错误:未捕获的异常"com_exception",并显示消息 '来源: 描述
' 在 C:''xampp''htdocs''wincare''laporan''pakai.php:36 堆栈跟踪:#0 C:''xampp''htdocs''wincare''laporan''pakai.php(36): variant->SetCurrentValue('2011-01-01 00:0...') #1 {main} 扔进 C:''xampp''htdocs''wincare''laporan''pakai.php 在第 36 行


// This block is strictly guesswork
$application = new COM("CrystalRuntime.Application.9"); // Change to your version
$report = $application->OpenReport($my_report,1);       // From OP's code
$rptParams = $report.ParameterFields
$rptParam = $rptParams->Item(2);                        // From my SitePoint post; 
                                                        // obviously you need to use
                                                        // the right index
// Check that $rptParam->ValueType evaluates to 10 - if it does not
// then modify the type in Crystal Reports itself. Again, see my
// original solution
// This bit should be fine
$oScript = new COM("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl");
$oScript->Language = "VBScript";
$oScript->AllowUI = false;
$oScript->AddObject('rptParam', $rptParam, true);
$oScript->AddCode('Function SetDateParameter(strDate)
End Function');
$oScript->Run("SetDateParameter", "25 April 2006");

这工作得很好,但它不是很优雅!我想是在CR9上用Windows Server 2003工作。从这里复制 - 是在 StackExchange :) 诞生之前。