
how to set multiple infowindows in google maps but with this particular javascript method

我看了一遍,尽管到处都有大量的指令、技术和 javascript 代码来说明如何做到这一点,但我不能使用它们中的任何一个,因为它需要重写我所有的 JavaScript 和 php。是否有我可以放入我正在使用的此方法的信息窗口的代码?

我正在读取一个 csv 文件并使用此库 (https://github.com/parsecsv/parsecsv-for-php) 解析数据,然后我使用此图标库在地图上放置标记 (https://github.com/scottdejonge/map-icons)。 现在我需要为每个标记添加信息窗口(它显示csv文件的第一列数据),我不知道该怎么做。我并不是说我不知道要使用的 php 变量,这部分很容易。我的意思是我不知道要使用什么信息窗口JavaScript。

我将粘贴整个 html 页面以及 csv 文件的内容。

# include parseCSV class.
# create new parseCSV object.
$csv = new parseCSV();
# Parse 'test.csv' using automatic delimiter detection...
# ...or if you know the delimiter, set the delimiter character
# if its not the default comma...
// $csv->delimiter = "'t";   # tab delimited
# ...and then use the parse() function.
// $csv->parse('test.csv');
# Output result.
//echo "<pre>";
//echo "</pre>";
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Map Icons Example</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
<!-- Google Maps -->
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp"></script>
<!-- Map Icons -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../dist/css/map-icons.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../dist/js/map-icons.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function initialise() {
    var mapCanvas = document.getElementById('map-canvas');
    // Center
    var center = new google.maps.LatLng(-27.46834, 153.02365);
    // Map Options      
    var mapOptions = {
        zoom: 16,
        center: center,
        scrollwheel: true,
        mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
        styles: [
            {stylers: [{ visibility: 'simplified' }]},
            {elementType: 'labels', stylers: [{ visibility: 'off' }]}
    // Create the Map
    map = new google.maps.Map(mapCanvas, mapOptions);
    $extendthis = "";
    foreach ($csv->data as $key => $row):
    // We define our address
    $fulladdress = $row['address'].",".$row['city'].",".$row['state'].",".$row['zip'];
    $marker = $row['marker'];
    $icon = $row['icon'];
    $fillcolor = $row['fillcolor'];
    //if no marker or icon or fillcolor is set, use default ones...
    if ($marker=="") {
        $marker = "MAP_PIN";
    if ($icon=="") {
        $icon = "";
    if ($fillcolor=="") {
        $fillcolor = "6331AE";
    // We get the JSON results from this request
    $geo = file_get_contents('http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address='.urlencode($fulladdress).'');
    // We convert the JSON to an array
    $geo = json_decode($geo, true);
    // If everything is cool
    if ($geo['status'] = 'OK') {
      // We set our values
      $latitude = $geo['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat'];
      $longitude = $geo['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng'];
    echo "var Item_".$i." = new google.maps.LatLng(".$latitude.", ".$longitude.");'n";
    echo "var marker1 = new Marker({'n";
    echo "map: map,'n";
    echo "title: 'Uluru (Ayers Rock)','n";
    echo "position: Item_".$i.",'n";
    echo "icon: {'n";
    echo "path: ".$marker.",'n";
    echo "fillColor: '#".$fillcolor."','n";
    echo "fillOpacity: 1,'n";
    echo "strokeColor: '','n";
    echo "strokeWeight: 0'n";
    echo "},'n";
    echo "map_icon_label: '<span class='"map-icon ".$icon."'"></span>''n";
    echo "});'n";
    $extendthis .= "bounds.extend(Item_".$i.");'n";
    var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
    <?php echo $extendthis; ?>
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialise);
<style media="screen">
html, body {
#map-canvas {
    margin: 0;
    width: 50%;
    height: 50%;
table { background-color: #BBB; }
th { background-color: #EEE; }
td { background-color: #FFF; }
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3">
        <?php foreach ($csv->titles as $value): ?>
        <th><?php echo $value; ?></th>
        <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php foreach ($csv->data as $key => $row): ?>
        <?php foreach ($row as $value): ?>
        <td><?php echo $value; ?></td>
        <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
<div id="map-canvas"></div>


one,7505 3rd Street,Schenectady,NY,12302,,,
two,6422 Route 29,Bear,DE,19701,MAP_PIN,,00CCBB
three,2858 Lakeview Drive,Venice,FL,34293,,,
four,335 Lincoln Street,Augusta,GA,30906,,,
five,3907 Cardinal Drive,San Antonio,TX,78213,SQUARE_PIN,,00CCBB
six,8560 State Street,Drexel Hill,PA,19026,,,


<script type="text/javascript">
var iw;
function initialise() {
    var mapCanvas = document.getElementById('map-canvas');
    // Center
    var center = new google.maps.LatLng(-27.46834, 153.02365);
    // Map Options      
    var mapOptions = {
        zoom: 16,
        center: center,
        scrollwheel: true,
        mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
        styles: [
            {stylers: [{ visibility: 'simplified' }]},
            {elementType: 'labels', stylers: [{ visibility: 'off' }]}
    // Create the Map
    map = new google.maps.Map(mapCanvas, mapOptions);
    iw = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
    $extendthis = "";
    foreach ($csv->data as $key => $row):
    $name = $row['name'];
    // We define our address
    $fulladdress = $row['address'].",".$row['city'].",".$row['state'].",".$row['zip'];
    $marker = $row['marker'];
    $icon = $row['icon'];
    $fillcolor = $row['fillcolor'];
    //if no marker or icon or fillcolor is set, use default ones...
    if ($marker=="") {
        $marker = "MAP_PIN";
    if ($icon=="") {
        $icon = "";
    if ($fillcolor=="") {
        $fillcolor = "6331AE";
    // We get the JSON results from this request
    $geo = file_get_contents('http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address='.urlencode($fulladdress).'');
    // We convert the JSON to an array
    $geo = json_decode($geo, true);
    // If everything is cool
    if ($geo['status'] = 'OK') {
      // We set our values
      $latitude = $geo['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat'];
      $longitude = $geo['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng'];
    echo "var Item_".$i." = new google.maps.LatLng(".$latitude.", ".$longitude.");'n";
    echo "var marker".$i." = new Marker({'n";
    echo "map: map,'n";
    //echo "title: 'your title here','n";
    echo "content: '".$name."','n";
    echo "position: Item_".$i.",'n";
    echo "icon: {'n";
    echo "path: ".$marker.",'n";
    echo "fillColor: '#".$fillcolor."','n";
    echo "fillOpacity: 1,'n";
    echo "strokeColor: '','n";
    echo "strokeWeight: 0'n";
    echo "},'n";
    echo "map_icon_label: '<span class='"map-icon ".$icon."'"></span>''n";
    echo "});'n";
    echo "marker".$i.".addListener('click',function(m) { iw.setContent(m.content);iw.open(map,m); });'n";
    $extendthis .= "bounds.extend(Item_".$i.");'n";
    var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
    <?php echo $extendthis; ?>
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialise);



<script type="text/javascript">
var iw;
function initialise() {


function initialise() {
     iw=new google.maps.InfoWindow();


echo "var marker$i = new Marker({content:'content for current marker here','n";


echo "marker$i.addListener('click',function(e) { iw.setContent(this.content);iw.open(map,this); });";