
Display friend post according to the friend connected to each other?

我在 mysql frnd_request中有 2 个表格,nsm_post我想根据用户将帖子分享给小学同学、中学同学等来显示帖子。

frnd_request表引用是用户相互连接的列。 下表结构

1 id    
2 user_id   
3 frnd_id   
4 status    
5 referece  (how friend are connected to each other like primay, secondary school mate)
6 confirmation  
7 note
8 date  


1   id  
2   uid (user id of user who posted this post)
3   post    

4   ip  

5   show_to (to which friend group post will be display)
6   Img_video_name  

7   date
SELECT nsm_post.post 
FROM frnd_request, nsm_post
WHERE frnd_request.user_id = nsm_post.uid


主 | UID1 | UID2 | 类型

0 | 10004 |

10005 | 同学