组合两个 MySQL 查询

Combining two MySQL queries?

$query1 = 'select DATE_FORMAT(time, "%Y-%m-%d") as date,
        count(*) as phone_TotalPerDay
        from numrequest
        where id_usr = "'.$id_user.'"
        AND id_re ="'.$id_re.'"
        AND request="ph"
        group by id_usr, year(time), DAYOFYEAR(time)
        order by year(time) DESC, DAYOFYEAR(time) DESC';  

$query2 = 'select DATE_FORMAT(time, "%Y-%m-%d") as date,
        count(*) as fax_TotalPerDay
        from numrequest
        where id_usr = "'.$id_user.'"
        AND id_re ="'.$id_re.'"
        AND request="fx"
        group by id_usr, year(time), DAYOFYEAR(time)
        order by year(time) DESC, DAYOFYEAR(time) DESC';  



$query1 = 'select DATE_FORMAT(time, "%Y-%m-%d") as date,
    sum(if(request = "ph", 1, 0)) phone_TotalPerDay,
    sum(if(request = "fx", 1, 0)) fax_TotalPerDay
    from numrequest
    where id_usr = "'.$id_user.'"
    AND id_re ="'.$id_re.'"
    group by id_usr, year(time), DAYOFYEAR(time)
    order by year(time) DESC, DAYOFYEAR(time) DESC';

如果请求类型匹配,则 if 语句返回 1,否则返回 0,因此对这些语句求和可以有效地计算与此条件匹配的行,并且我已经从 where 子句中删除了请求条件。