
Remove exact embed code(wordpress) with preg_replace


function compare_by_offset( $a, $b ) {
    return $a['order'] - $b['order'];
function first_video_url($post_id = null) {
    if ( $post_id == null OR $post_id == '' ) $post_id = get_the_ID();
    $post_array = get_post( $post_id );
    $markup = $post_array->post_content;
    $regexes = array(
        '#(?:https?:)?//www'.youtube(?:'-nocookie)?'.com/(?:v|e|embed)/([A-Za-z0-9'-_]+)#', // Comprehensive search for both iFrame and old school embeds
        '#(?:https?(?:a|vh?)?://)?(?:www'.)?youtube(?:'-nocookie)?'.com/watch'?.*v=([A-Za-z0-9'-_]+)#', // Any YouTube URL. After http(s) support a or v for Youtube Lyte and v or vh for Smart Youtube plugin
        '#(?:https?(?:a|vh?)?://)?youtu'.be/([A-Za-z0-9'-_]+)#', // Any shortened youtu.be URL. After http(s) a or v for Youtube Lyte and v or vh for Smart Youtube plugin
        '#<div class="lyte" id="([A-Za-z0-9'-_]+)"#', // YouTube Lyte
        '#data-youtube-id="([A-Za-z0-9'-_]+)"#', // LazyYT.js
        '#<object[^>]+>.+?http://vimeo'.com/moogaloop.swf'?clip_id=([A-Za-z0-9'-_]+)&.+?</object>#s', // Standard Vimeo embed code
        '#(?:https?:)?//player'.vimeo'.com/video/([0-9]+)#', // Vimeo iframe player
        '#'[vimeo id=([A-Za-z0-9'-_]+)]#', // JR_embed shortcode
        '#'[vimeo clip_id="([A-Za-z0-9'-_]+)"[^>]*]#', // Another shortcode
        '#'[vimeo video_id="([A-Za-z0-9'-_]+)"[^>]*]#', // Yet another shortcode
        '#(?:https?://)?(?:www'.)?vimeo'.com/([0-9]+)#', // Vimeo URL
        '#(?:https?://)?(?:www'.)?vimeo'.com/channels/(?:[A-Za-z0-9]+)/([0-9]+)#' // Channel URL

    $provider_videos = array();
    foreach ( $regexes as $regex ) {
        if ( preg_match_all( $regex, $markup, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ) ) {
            $provider_videos = array_merge( $provider_videos, $matches[0] );
    if ( empty( $provider_videos ) ) return;
    foreach ( $provider_videos as $video ) {
        $videos[] = array(
            'url'    => $video[0],
            'order'  => $video[1]
    usort( $videos, 'compare_by_offset' );
    $first_video_url =  current(array_column($videos, 'url'));
    if ( empty( $first_video_url ) ) return;
    return $first_video_url;


function remove_first_image ($content) {
    $url = first_video_url();
    $parsed = parse_url($url);
    $video_id = $parsed['query'];
    $embed_code = wp_oembed_get($url);
    $pattern = 'a pattern for that embed which I fail to make';
    $content = preg_replace($pattern, '', $content);
    return $content;
add_filter('the_content', 'remove_first_image');



function remove_first_image ($content) {
    if ( is_single() && has_post_format('video') ) {
        $url = first_video_url();
        $embed_code = wp_oembed_get($url);
        $content = str_replace($embed_code, '', $content);
    return $content;
add_filter('the_content', 'remove_first_image');