空数据的Mysql Join

Mysql Join for null data


Table - Milestone
| id | name     | details             | timestamp           |
| 1  | 1st Year | One year Completed  | 2016-05-14 08:13:08 |
| 2  | 2nd Year | Two years Completed | 2016-05-14 08:15:08 |
Table Update-Type
| id | type      |
| 1  | Milestone |
| 2  | Offer     |
Table - Image
| id | update_id | update_type | path            | timestamp          |
| 1  | 1         | 1           | img/image_1.jpg | 2016-05-1408:13:08 |
| 2  | 1         | 1           | img/image_2.jpg | 2016-05-1408:14:08 |




SELECT milestone.id, milestone.name, milestone.details,
      GROUP_CONCAT(images.path) as path, update_type.id AS update_type
FROM milestone
    LEFT OUTER JOIN images ON milestone.id = images.update_id
    INNER JOIN update_type ON update_type.id = images.update_type
WHERE images.update_type ='1' AND update_type.type =  'Milestone'
GROUP BY milestone.id


|   | name     | details            | path                             | update_type |
| 1 | 1st Year | One year Completed | img/image_1.jpg, img/image_2.jpg | 1           |


| id | name     | details             | path                             | update_type |
| 1  | 1st Year | One year Completed  | img/image_1.jpg, img/image_2.jpg | 1           |
| 2  | 2nd Year | Two years Completed | NULL                             | 1           |


SELECT milestone.id, milestone.name, milestone.details,
  GROUP_CONCAT(images.path SEPARATOR ', ') AS path,
  update_type.id AS update_type
FROM milestone
JOIN update_type ON update_type.type = 'Milestone'
LEFT JOIN images ON milestone.id = images.update_id AND update_type.id = images.update_type
GROUP BY milestone.id

您的错误在于使用LEFT JOIN imagesWHERE images.update_type ='1'。若在左侧联接表的where中使用条件,则会消除LEFT JOINLEFT JOIN将充当INNER JOIN——不会返回空行。


WHERE (images.id IS NULL OR images.update_type ='1')