
script works on wamp server but not on my vps



<?php if (!file_exists( "install.txt")){ die( "Installer locked."); } ?>
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  <title>forum Installer - Step 3 of 7</title>
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          <img src="images/grey/mysql.png" alt="Y">Configure MySQL</a>
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      <div id="content">
        <div class="title">forum MySQL Configuration</div>
        <div class="title2">Step 3 of 7</div>
        <?php if (isset($_GET[ "error"])){ echo "<div class='"error' ">Error accessing the MySQL database. Re-check database information. :[</div>"; } ?>
        <div class="box">
          <form action="index_4.php" method="post">
            Database Host
            <br />
            <span style="font-size:11px;">Commonly localhost, external MySQL servers may differ.</span>
            <div class="clear"></div>
            <input type="text" name="host" size="40" value="localhost">
            <br />
            <br />Database Username
            <br />
            <span style="font-size:11px;">The username you configured for your MySQL database.</span>
            <div class="clear"></div>
            <input type="text" name="user" size="40">
            <br />
            <br />Database Password
            <br />
            <span style="font-size:11px;">The password you configured for your MySQL database.</span>
            <div class="clear"></div>
            <input type="text" name="pass" size="40">
            <br />
            <br />Database Name
            <br />
            <span style="font-size:11px;">The name you configured for your MySQL database.</span>
            <div class="clear"></div>
            <input type="text" name="name" size="40">
            <br />
            <br />Password Key
            <br />
            <span style="font-size:11px;">A unique and random key to encrypt user passwords.</span>
            <div class="clear"></div>
            <input type="text" name="pass_key" size="40">
            <br />
            <br />
            <input type="submit" class="button" value="Continue">
    <div id="footer">
      <div style="float:left;">
        minstaller v1.2 - Powered by: <a href='http://www.forum.net'>Bulletin Board</a>
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        <a href="http://www.forum.net/docs" target="_blank" style="color:#808080;">I need help!</a>


<?php if (!file_exists( "install.txt")){ die( "Installer locked."); } ?>
<?php # Database Connection if ($_POST[ "host"] !=n ull && $_POST[ "user"] !=n ull && $_POST[ "pass"] !=n ull && $_POST[ "name"] !=n ull && $_POST[ "pass_key"] !=n ull) { $mysqli=@ new mysqli($_POST[ "host"], $_POST[ "user"], $_POST[ "pass"], $_POST[
"name"]); } else { header( 'location: ./index_3.php?error=1'); exit(); } if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { header( 'location: ./index_3.php?error=1'); exit(); } else { $config_file='<?php
	|  forum software
	| powered by forum 1.2
	if(!defined("access")){ include("errors/access.html"); exit(); }
	| The following settings are related
	| to the MySQL side of the application
	$DB_NAME = "' . $_POST[ "name"] . '"; // Your database name
	$DB_HOST = "' . $_POST[ "host"] . '"; // Your database host
	$DB_USER = "' . $_POST[ "user"] . '"; // Your database username
	$DB_PASS = "' . $_POST[ "pass"] . '"; // Your database password
	// Please change the following key to a secure phrase - do not modify after board installation
	$config["password_key"] = "' . $_POST[ "pass_key"] . '";
		'; $write_config=f open( "../forum/db_config.php", "w"); fwrite($write_config, $config_file); fclose($write_config); } ?>
<!doctype html>
  <title>forum Installer - Step 3 of 7</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/installer.css" />
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    <img src="images/mbbinstall_logo.png" />
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          <img src="images/green/percheck.png" alt="Y">Check Permissions</a>
        <a href="#" class="current">
          <img src="images/grey/mysql.png" alt="Y">Configure MySQL</a>
        <a href="#">
          <img src="images/grey/settings.png" alt="N">Configure Settings</a>
        <a href="#">
          <img src="images/grey/table.png" alt="N">Install Tables</a>
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          <img src="images/grey/forum.png" alt="N">Your New Forum</a>
      <div id="content">
        <div class="title">forum MySQL Configuration</div>
        <div class="title2">Step 3 of 7</div>
        <div class="box2">
          forum has successfully connected to your MySQL database. Next we are ready to configure your board settings! Click "Configure Settings" to begin your board configuration.
          <br />
          <br />
        <div style="float:right;">
          <a href="index_5.php" class="button">Configure Settings</a>
    <div id="footer">
      <div style="float:left;">
        forum installer v1.2 - Powered by: <a href='https://forum.net'>forum Bulletin Board</a>
      <div style="float:right;">
        <a href="https://forum.net/docs.html" target="_blank" style="color:#808080;"> I need help!</a>


'; $write_config=f open( "../forum/db_config.php", "w"); fwrite($write_config, $config_file); fclose($write_config); } ?>


'; $write_config=fopen( "../forum/db_config.php", "w"); fwrite($write_config, $config_file); fclose($write_config); } ?>


