
Javascript, Make multiple text hidden text input visibile onchange


var counter = <? echo $count-1 ?>;
var limit = 24;
function addInput(divName){
 if (counter >= limit)  {
      alert("You have reached the limit of adding " + counter + " inputs");
 else {
      var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
      var dropDown;
      var fromPHP=<? echo $s_to_json ?>;
      for (i=0; i<fromPHP.length; i++){
        yourValue = fromPHP[i];
        dropDown = dropDown + "<option value='" + yourValue + "'>" + yourValue + "</option>";
      var containerType = "<?echo $matRow['container']?>";
      var viz;
      if (containerType == "Box/Bag"){
        viz = "visible";
        viz = "hidden";
      newdiv.innerHTML = "Weight " + (counter + 1) + ": <input type='text' name='myWeights[]' class='putty' maxlength='6' /> Material " + (counter + 1) + ": <input type='text' name='myMaterials[]' class='plato' maxlength='17' value='<? echo (isset($matRow['material']) ? $matRow['material'] : '')?>' /> Container " + (counter + 1) + ": <select onchange='"switchMain(;'" name='myContainers[]' id='myContainers[]'><option value='<? echo (isset($matRow['container']) ? $matRow['container'] : '') ?>' selected><? echo (isset($matRow['container']) ? $matRow['container'] : '') ?></option>' + dropDown + '" + dropDown + "</select><div id='boxhide[]' style='visibility:" + viz + ";display:inline;'> Quantity " + (counter + 1) + ": <input type='text' name='boxnum" + (counter + 1) +"' class='boxputty' maxlength='2' /></div>";
function getStyle(divName){
var temp = document.getElementById(divName).style.visibility;
return temp;
function switchMain(divName){
//var e = document.getElementById("myContainers[]");
//var strUser = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;
if (strUser == "Box/Bag"){
    var current = getStyle(divName);
    document.getElementById(divName).style.visibility = "visible";
    document.getElementById(divName).style.visibility = "hidden";
function removeInput(divName){
if (counter<=1){
    alert("You cannot remove any more weights from this job.");
else {
    var olddiv = document.getElementById(divName);
    var lastChild = olddiv.lastChild;
        if (lastChild && lastChild.parentNode && lastChild.parentNode.removeChild){


Weight <? echo $count ?>: <input type="text" class="putty" name="myWeights[]" maxlength="6" value="<? echo $read ?>" autofocus /> Material <? echo $count ?>: <input type="text" class="plato" name="myMaterials[]" maxlength="17" value="<? echo (isset($matRow["material"]) ? $matRow["material"] : "") ?>" />
        Container <? echo $count ?>: <select onchange="switchMain(;" name="myContainers[]" id="myContainers[]">
            <option value="<? echo (isset($matRow["container"]) ? $matRow["container"] : "") ?>" selected><? echo (isset($matRow["container"]) ? $matRow["container"] : ""); ($matRow['container'] == 'Box/Bag' ? $vishid = 'visible' : $vishid = 'hidden') ?></option>
            <div id='boxhide[]' style="visibility:<? echo $vishid ?>;display:inline;">
            Quantity <? echo $count ?>: <input type="text" name="boxnum[]" class="boxputty" maxlength="2" />

    <input type="button" alt='Add Weight' title='Add Weight' value="+" onClick="addInput('dynamicInput');">
    <input type="button" alt='Remove Weight' title='Remove Weight' value="-" onClick="removeInput('dynamicInput');">


截至目前,当用户单击以添加行时,它会将其放置在错误的位置,但我相信我可以像以前一样对其进行排序。更大的问题是,通过单击"+"按钮添加的任何行在更改由 switchMain() 检查的下拉菜单时都会出错。错误显示为"TypeError: this.nextSibling.nextSibling is null"。



干净地分离 php 和 js

尽可能将 php 和 javascript 分开。 如果你必须将数据从js传递给php,我建议使用一种更规范的方法,预先初始化所有php变量,然后稍后在javascript中使用它们:

var counter = <? js_escape($count-1); ?>;
var fromPHP=<? js_escape($s_to_json); ?>; // Null if not available
var jsVarFromPhp = <?php escape($necessary_var);?>;
var anotherVariable = <?php escape($another_var);?>;
var materialArray = <? echo json_encode($material_array);?>;
// then the js actually does stuff with javascript variables, ideally wrapped within a function, no php in the logic of your javascript.

隔离 JavaScript 行为

当你处理像这样的复杂语言组合时,通常最好将 php 行为与 javascript 行为隔离开来。 非常适合此,请采用您想要的 js 行为和您期望的 html,并将其放入测试用例中。 你必须将你的php变量转换为它们的值,但它会简化测试用例,所以建议你自己调试。

摆脱直接在 html 中使用 echo 的习惯

你直接在你的html中回显东西。 这将最终导致XSS。 省去麻烦并使用模板引擎(如果只是一个小项目,则很小)。 聪明是受欢迎的,并且有效。 如果你觉得出于某种原因你必须在原生 php 中工作,试着在你的 html 中避免使用 php 逻辑,并给自己一个包装函数,使 php 尽可能干净,比如:

function h($dirty){
    echo htmlentities($dirty, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_IGNORE, 'UTF-8');


<input value='<?php h($input_value);?>'>
