
expressionengine: php error after install of nsm htaccess generator plugin: “The .htaccess path setting is a string. It should be an array.”

有人使用ee 2.1.3并成功安装了"nsm-htaccess generator"-插件吗?安装并启用后,我面临以下问题:

A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined index: path
Filename: nsm_htaccess_generator/ext.nsm_htaccess_generator.php
Line Number: 568
The following errors were encountered
The .htaccess path setting is a string. It should be an array. 
If the setting has been manually set in the config.php (or config_bootstrap.php) update the value.
→ More information about this issue. ( )



您必须在插件本身中设置htaccess路径-(在EE2:Extensions>NSM HT ACCESS GENERATOR>EXTENSION SETTINGS中)。请确保使用服务器路径,而不是web(http://)路径。