
how insert style code between php code


如果你有一些想法,请告诉我如何样式输出?我是php 的新手

if ( $comment->comment_approved == '1' && $comment->comment_type == '' ) {
        // Comment has been approved and isn't a trackback or a pingback, so we should send out notifications
        $message  = sprintf(__("There is a new comment on the post '"%s'"", 'subscribe-to-comments') . ". 'n%s'n'n", $post->post_title, get_permalink($comment->comment_post_ID));
        $message .= sprintf(__("Author: %s'n", 'subscribe-to-comments'), $comment->comment_author);
        $message .= __("Comment:'n", 'subscribe-to-comments') . $comment->comment_content . "'n'n";
        $message .= __("See all comments on this post here:'n", 'subscribe-to-comments');
        $message .= get_permalink($comment->comment_post_ID) . "#comments'n'n";
        //add link to manage comment notifications
        $message .= __("To manage your subscriptions or to block all notifications from this site, click the link below:'n", 'subscribe-to-comments');
        $message .= get_settings('home') . '/?wp-subscription-manager=1&email=[email]&key=[key]';
        $subject = sprintf(__('New Comment On: %s', 'subscribe-to-comments'), $post->post_title);

只需添加$message .= '<br />';