Twilio and PHP?

Twilio and PHP?

我希望这里有很多Twilio开发人员和PHP脚本编写人员。。。我正在尝试编辑一个基本的Twimlet FindMe,我真的被卡住了一段时间。。。我找不到任何关于编辑它的线索,我确实认为Twimlets有很多用处,应该更多地记录下来,因为许多初学者都把它作为起点。就我的情况而言,我需要帮助编辑以下来源的Twimlet,这样我就可以手动添加我想拨打的电话号码,直到其中一个人接听为止。。当前代码使用输入框来收集我不想使用的信息。。我花了很多时间试图让它发挥作用,但我被卡住了。。。。我试着删除REQUEST并在其中输入数字,但没有成功,而且我是Twilio的初学者,所以我需要帮助。非常感谢。

     require "twilio-lib.php";
    // initiate response library
    $response = new Response();
    // init as array, if it's not
        $_REQUEST['PhoneNumbers'] = array($_REQUEST['PhoneNumbers']);
    // remove empty entries from PhoneNumbers
    $_REQUEST['PhoneNumbers'] = @array_filter($_REQUEST['PhoneNumbers']);
    // verify no more than 10 numbers given
    if(count($_REQUEST['PhoneNumbers']) > 10)
        $_REQUEST['PhoneNumbers'] = array_splice($_REQUEST['PhoneNumbers'], 10);
    // if The Dial flag is present, it means we're returning from an attempted Dial
    if(isset($_REQUEST['Dial']) && ($_REQUEST['DialStatus'] == "answerswered" || $_REQUEST['DialCallStatus'] == "completed")) {
        // answered call, so just hangup
    } else {
        // No dial flag, or anything other than "answerswered", roll on to the next (or first, as it may be) number
        // resort the PhoneNumbers array, in case anything untoward happened to it        
        // get the next number of the array
        if(!$nextNumber = @array_shift($_REQUEST['PhoneNumbers'])) {
            // if no phone numbers left, redirect to the FailUrl
            // FailUrl found, so redirect and kill the cookie
            if(strlen($_REQUEST["FailUrl"])) {
                header("Location: {$_REQUEST["FailUrl"]}");
            } else {
                // no FailUrl found, so just end the call
        } else {
            // re-assemble remaining numbers into a QueryString, shifting the 0th off the array
            $qs = "FailUrl=".urlencode($_REQUEST['FailUrl'])."&Timeout=".urlencode($_REQUEST['Timeout'])."&Message=".urlencode($_REQUEST['Message']);
            foreach($_REQUEST['PhoneNumbers'] AS $number)
                $qs .= "&PhoneNumbers%5B%5D=" . urlencode($number);
            // add a dial to the response
            $dial = $response->addDial(array("action"=>"{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI']}?Dial=true&$qs", "timeout"=>$_REQUEST['Timeout'] ? $_REQUEST['Timeout'] : 60));
            // add the number to dial
            $dial->addNumber($nextNumber, array("url"=>"whisper?Message=".urlencode($_REQUEST['Message'])));
    // send the response


$_REQUEST['PhoneNumbers'] = array('1235556789', '1235551234');

