如果程序员不这样做,最好的解决方案是什么;t将参数传递给PHP OOP中的类方法

What is the best solution if programmer don't pass parameters to class method in PHP OOP?

我需要知道我们是否必须检查PHP OOP中类方法的输入参数

public function show_message($message)
   echo $message;



class Foo
    public function doSomething ($message = 'None')
        echo $message;
    public function somethingElse (array $foo = array())
        echo '<pre>';
        echo '</pre>';//will always be an array
    public function onlyMyself (Foo $instance)
        return $instance->doSomething('I know this method exists');
    public function myselfOrNothing(Foo $instance = null)
        if ($instance === null)
            return $this->doSomething('No instance provided');
        return $instance->doSomething('Instance provided to '.__METHOD__);
$foo = new Foo;
$bar = new Bar;
$foo->onlyMyself($bar);//works fine


class Bar extends Foo
class Foobar extends Bar
$fb = new Foobar;
$b = new Bar;
public function someClass(Foo $instance)
{//accepts instances of Foo, Bar and Foobar...
    echo get_class($instance);//can echo any class name


public function show_message($message = "'x00")
    if ($message === "'x00") {
        // decide how critical this argument actually is, and react appropriately
        throw new BadMethodCallException("The message argument is critical and must be passed to this method");
        // or simply apply a default if it isn't critical
        $message = 'Hello World';
    echo $message;



public function show_message($message = '') {
  $result = 'No message';
  if (!empty($message)) {
    if (is_bool($message)) {
      $result = 'It is a boolean';
    if (is_int($message)) {
      $result = 'It is a integer';
    if (is_float($message)) {
      $result = 'It is a float';
    if (is_string($message)) {
      $result = 'It is a string';
    if (is_array($message)) {
      $result = 'It is an array';
    if (is_object($message)) {
      $result = 'It is an object';
  return $result;