
Rate limiting yourself from overloading external API's







class Limiter
  private $queue = array();
  private $size;
  private $next;
  private $perSecond;
  private $perMinute;
  private $perHour;
  // Set any constructor parameter to non-zero to allow adherence to the
  // limit represented. The largest value present will be the size of a
  // circular queue used to track usage.
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
  function __construct($perSecond=0,$perMinute=0,$perHour=0)
    $this->size = max($perSecond,$perMinute,$perHour);
    $this->next = 0;
    $this->perSecond = $perSecond;
    $this->perMinute = $perMinute;
    $this->perHour   = $perHour;
    for($i=0; $i < $this->size; $i++)
      $this->queue[$i] = 0;
  // See if a use would violate any of the limits specified. We return true
  // if a limit has been hit.
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  public function limitHit($verbose=0)
    $inSecond = 0;
    $inMinute = 0;
    $inHour   = 0;
    $doneSecond = 0;
    $doneMinute = 0;
    $doneHour   = 0;
    $now = microtime(true);
    if ( $verbose )
      echo "Checking if limitHit at $now<br>'n";
    for ($offset=1; $offset <= $this->size; $offset++)
      $spot = $this->next - $offset;
      if ( $spot < 0 )
        $spot = $this->size - $offset + $this->next;
      if ( $verbose )
        echo "... next $this->next size $this->size offset $offset spot $spot utime " . $this->queue[$spot] . "<br>'n";
      // Count and track within second
      // -----------------------------
      if ( $this->perSecond && !$doneSecond && $this->queue[$spot] >= microtime(true) - 1.0 )
        $doneSecond = 1;
      // Count and track within minute
      // -----------------------------
      if ( $this->perMinute && !$doneMinute && $this->queue[$spot] >= microtime(true) - 60.0 )
        $doneMinute = 1;
      // Count and track within hour
      // ---------------------------
      if ( $this->perHour && !$doneHour && $this->queue[$spot] >= microtime(true) - 3600.0 )
        $doneHour = 1;
      if ( $doneSecond && $doneMinute && $doneHour )
    if ( $verbose )
      echo "... inSecond $inSecond inMinute $inMinute inHour $inHour<br>'n";
    if ( $inSecond && $inSecond >= $this->perSecond )
      if ( $verbose )
        echo "... limit perSecond hit<br>'n";
      return TRUE;
    if ( $inMinute && $inMinute >= $this->perMinute )
      if ( $verbose )
        echo "... limit perMinute hit<br>'n";
      return TRUE;
    if ( $inHour   && $inHour   >= $this->perHour   )
      if ( $verbose )
        echo "... limit perHour hit<br>'n";
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
  // When an API is called the using program should voluntarily track usage
  // via the use function.
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  public function usage()
    $this->queue[$this->next++] = microtime(true);
    if ( $this->next >= $this->size )
      $this->next = 0;
// ##############################
// ### Test the limiter class ###
// ##############################
$psec = 2;
$pmin = 4;
$phr  = 0;
echo "Creating limiter with limits of $psec/sec and $pmin/min and $phr/hr<br><br>'n";
$monitorA = new Limiter($psec,$pmin,$phr);
for ($i=0; $i<15; $i++)
  if ( !$monitorA->limitHit(1) )
    echo "<br>'n";
    echo "API call A here (utime " . microtime(true) . ")<br>'n";
    echo "Voluntarily registering usage<br>'n";
    echo "<br>'n";


Creating limiter with limits of 2/sec and 4/min and 0/hr
Checking if limitHit at 1436267440.9957
... next 0 size 4 offset 1 spot 3 utime 0
... inSecond 0 inMinute 0 inHour 0
API call A here (utime 1436267440.9957)
Voluntarily registering usage
Checking if limitHit at 1436267441.2497
... next 1 size 4 offset 1 spot 0 utime 1436267440.9957
... next 1 size 4 offset 2 spot 3 utime 0
... inSecond 1 inMinute 1 inHour 0
API call A here (utime 1436267441.2497)
Voluntarily registering usage
Checking if limitHit at 1436267441.5007
... next 2 size 4 offset 1 spot 1 utime 1436267441.2497
... next 2 size 4 offset 2 spot 0 utime 1436267440.9957
... next 2 size 4 offset 3 spot 3 utime 0
... inSecond 2 inMinute 2 inHour 0
... limit perSecond hit
Checking if limitHit at 1436267442.0007
... next 2 size 4 offset 1 spot 1 utime 1436267441.2497
... next 2 size 4 offset 2 spot 0 utime 1436267440.9957
... next 2 size 4 offset 3 spot 3 utime 0
... inSecond 1 inMinute 2 inHour 0
API call A here (utime 1436267442.0007)
Voluntarily registering usage
Checking if limitHit at 1436267442.2507
... next 3 size 4 offset 1 spot 2 utime 1436267442.0007
... next 3 size 4 offset 2 spot 1 utime 1436267441.2497
... next 3 size 4 offset 3 spot 0 utime 1436267440.9957
... next 3 size 4 offset 4 spot 3 utime 0
... inSecond 1 inMinute 3 inHour 0
API call A here (utime 1436267442.2507)
Voluntarily registering usage
Checking if limitHit at 1436267442.5007
... next 0 size 4 offset 1 spot 3 utime 1436267442.2507
... next 0 size 4 offset 2 spot 2 utime 1436267442.0007
... next 0 size 4 offset 3 spot 1 utime 1436267441.2497
... next 0 size 4 offset 4 spot 0 utime 1436267440.9957
... inSecond 2 inMinute 4 inHour 0
... limit perSecond hit
Checking if limitHit at 1436267443.0007
... next 0 size 4 offset 1 spot 3 utime 1436267442.2507
... next 0 size 4 offset 2 spot 2 utime 1436267442.0007
... next 0 size 4 offset 3 spot 1 utime 1436267441.2497
... next 0 size 4 offset 4 spot 0 utime 1436267440.9957
... inSecond 2 inMinute 4 inHour 0
... limit perSecond hit
Checking if limitHit at 1436267443.5027
... next 0 size 4 offset 1 spot 3 utime 1436267442.2507
... next 0 size 4 offset 2 spot 2 utime 1436267442.0007
... next 0 size 4 offset 3 spot 1 utime 1436267441.2497
... next 0 size 4 offset 4 spot 0 utime 1436267440.9957
... inSecond 0 inMinute 4 inHour 0
... limit perMinute hit
Checking if limitHit at 1436267444.0027
... next 0 size 4 offset 1 spot 3 utime 1436267442.2507
... next 0 size 4 offset 2 spot 2 utime 1436267442.0007
... next 0 size 4 offset 3 spot 1 utime 1436267441.2497
... next 0 size 4 offset 4 spot 0 utime 1436267440.9957
... inSecond 0 inMinute 4 inHour 0
... limit perMinute hit




  1. 用Jobs包装API调用,并将它们推送到单独的队列:

  2. 将队列速率限制与Redis或mxl/laravel队列速率限制包一起使用(我是作者(。另请参阅SO关于其用法的回答。

  3. 如果使用mxl/laravel-queue-rate-limit,则在其设置之后运行队列工作程序:

    $ php artisan queue:work --queue api
