了解AJAX php脚本的线索游戏练习

Understanding AJAX php script for clue game practice


我现在正在写脚本,但我正在努力弄清楚我应该在什么时候引入这个。我的PHP中是否需要任何东西来将其区分为AJAX ?在后台运行吗?我只是"包含"它作为另一个更大的PHP脚本的一部分吗?


// =====clue 1====================////////////////// clue 1 **************
$(document).on('click', '.btn-clue', function(){ 
                  type: "POST",
                  url: "includes/post_clue_progress",
                  data: { clueTwo: "1", usernameClue: "<?php echo $manager; ?>" }
              .done(function( msg ) {
                // msg is any data that is echoed in the php script or output to screen is some way
        } else {
            var mySecondDiv = $('<div id="mySecondDiv"><img src="images/check-x-mark.png" /></div>').show('slow');
// =====clue 2====================////////////////// clue 2*********=========
$(document).on('click', '.btn-clueTwo', function(){ 
        //checking if textbox has desired value (1 in this case),
        //in your application you would be passing the textbox value to 
        //ajax here and making the check at server side
        var $two = $('#twoClueShow');
        var x = $("#clueTwoInput").find('input[type=text]').val();
        if(x == 'C' || x == 'CS') {
            // if answer correct you should load data from ajax 
                    // and append it to a container
        } else {
        var mySecondDivClueTwo = $('<div id="mySecondDivClueTwo"><img src="images/check-x-mark.png" /></div>') .show('slow');




MY button for reference

<div id="clueOneInput">
    <input type="text" id="clue1" class="clue-text form-control" placeholder="Enter Clue 1 here and check"/>
<input type="button" id="clue1Input"class="btn btn-primary btn-clue" value="Check">


// =====clue 1====================////////////////// clue 1**********************************************************************========================
$(document).on('click', '.btn-clue', function(){ 
        //checking if textbox has desired value (1 in this case),
        //in your application you would be passing the textbox value to ajax here and making the check at server side
        var $one = $('#oneClueShow');
        var x = $("#clueOneInput").find('input[type=text]').val();
        if(x == 'd' || x == 'dr')
            //if answer correct you should load data from ajax and append it to a container
                      type: "POST",
                      url: "includes/post_clue_progress",
                      data: { clueOne: "1", usernameClue: "<?php echo $manager; ?>" }
                  .done(function( msg ) {
                    // msg is any data that is echoed in the php script or output to screen is some way
            var mySecondDiv = $('<div id="mySecondDiv"><img src="images/check-x-mark.png" /></div>').show('slow');
// =====clue 2====================////////////////// clue 2**********************************************************************========================
$(document).on('click', '.btn-clueTwo', function(){ 
        var $two = $('#twoClueShow');
        var x = $("#clueTwoInput").find('input[type=text]').val();
        if(x == 'CS' || x == 'CSU')
                      type: "POST",
                      url: "includes/post_clue_progress",
                      data: { clueTwo: "1", usernameClue: "<?php echo $manager; ?>" }
                  .done(function( msg ) {
                    // msg is any data that is echoed in the php script or output to screen is some way
            var mySecondDivClueTwo=$('<div id="mySecondDivClueTwo"><img src="images/check-x-mark.png" /></div>').show('slow');


  type: "POST",
  url: "yourScriptToUpdateDB.php",
  data: { clue: "Wrong", user: "JoeBob" }
  .done(function( msg ) {
    // msg is any data that is echoed in the php script or output to screen is some way