PHP Wordpress code echo's slug not term?

PHP Wordpress code echo's slug not term?

有人知道我如何为我的自定义分类法(在Magic Fields 2插件中创建)更改下面的代码来解决我的问题吗?我希望它响应所选值的name而不是slug格式。我想回显Client 1Client 2,而不是现在的client-1client-2

我想显示带有空格和正确大写的多字名称,例如Joe Bloggs Associates而不是joe-bloggs-associates

project_statistics_client是在Magic Fields中创建的字段名。自定义字段的类型是Term下拉列表,并填充来自自定义分类法Clients的值。这个字段位于一个名为project_statistics的字段组内,但我不确定组名是否影响代码?




<?php $clients = get_field('project_statistics_client');
    foreach($clients as $client){
        echo '<div>' . $client . '</div>';
    } ?>
    global $post;
    $taxonomy = 'your taxonomy';
    $terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, $taxonomy);
    if ( is_array($terms) ) {
        echo(implode(',', wp_list_pluck($terms, 'name')));

Magic Fields 2仅为基本的WordPress分类法功能提供了一个不错的GUI,因此可以使用所有WordPress分类法功能。特别是,get_the_terms()可用于获取帖子的类别。这将返回一个对象数组(一篇文章可能属于多个类别)。此外,您需要从对象中提取'name'字段。


* Custom Taxonomy Dropdown

// initialisation
global $mf_domain;
// class with static properties encapsulating functions for the field type
class term_field extends mf_custom_fields {
public $allow_multiple = TRUE;
public $has_properties = TRUE;
public function _update_description(){
global $mf_domain;
$this->description = __("This field allows to do relations with taxonomie terms",$mf_domain);
public function _options(){
global $mf_domain;
// Get the taxonomie as dropdownoption
$select = array();
$tax = get_taxonomies();
foreach($tax as $k => $v){
$select[] = $v;
$data = array(
 'option' => array(
    'term' => array(
      'type' => 'select',
      'id' => 'term',
      'label' => __('related taxonomy: ',$mf_domain),
      'name' => 'mf_field[option][term]',
      'default' => '',
      'options' => $select,
      'add_empty' => false,
      'description' => '',
      'value' => '',
      'div_class' => '',
      'class' => ''
return $data;
public function display_field( $field, $group_index = 1, $field_index = 1 ) {
global $mf_domain;
// If is not required this field be added a None value
$notype = "";
if( !$field['required_field'] ) {
  $notype = ( !empty($field['options']['notype']) ) ? $field['options']['notype'] : __( "-- None --" , $mf_domain );
$output = '';
// Get the taxonomie as dropdownoption
$select = array();
$tax = get_taxonomies();
foreach($tax as $k => $v){
$select[] = $v;
$option_from_term_array = $field['options']['term'];
$options = get_terms($select[$option_from_term_array], array('hide_empty' => false));
$output = '<div class="mf-dropdown-box">';
$value = $field['input_value'];
$output .= sprintf('<select class="dropdown_mf" id="%s" name="%s" >',$field['input_id'],$field['input_name']);
if( $notype != "" ) {
  $output .= "<option value=''>$notype</option>";
foreach($options as $option) {
  $check = ($option->slug == $value) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
  $output .= sprintf('<option value="%s" %s >%s</option>',
$output .= '</select>';
$output .= '</div>';
return $output;