
Show tags and an associative id


 [id] => 15
 [title] => This is the first article
 [content] => 
This is the first articleThis is the first articleThis is the first articleThis is the    first articleThis is the first articleThis is the first articleThis is the first articleThis is the first articleThis is the first articleThis is the first articleThis is the first articleThis is the first articleThis is the first articleThis is the first articleThis is the first articleThis is the first articleThis is the first article
[date] => 2014-05-11 12:05:00
[views] => 0
[smallimage] => Hydrangeas-11.jpg
[largeimage] => Hydrangeas-11.jpg
[tags] => first tag,last tag,second tag
[id_tag] => 15,16,17


<div class="news-content-title">
            <? echo $main_info['title'];?>
        <div class="news-content-content">
            <? echo $main_info['content'];?>

        <?php foreach($main_info as $n):?>
                        <?php $tags = explode(",", $n['tags']); ?>
                        <?php $id_tag = explode(",", $n['id_tag']); ?>
        <?php endforeach ?>
        <?php for ($i=0;$i<count($id_tag);$i++): ?>
                    <a href="<?php echo base_url('tag/'.$main_info['id_tag'])?>"><?php echo $main_info['tags'] ?></a>
        <?php endfor; ?>



      $tags['tags'] = explode(",",$main_info['tags']);
      $tags['id_tag'] = explode(",",$main_info['id_tag']);
         foreach($tags['tags'] as $k=>$v): ?>
           <a href="<?php echo base_url('tag/'.$tags['id_tag'][$k])?>"><?php echo $v ?></a>
         <?php endforeach ?>