
How to save only last hour of data, with PHP


Tue Nov 10 05:17:12 UTC 2015   't   apple
Tue Nov 10 05:42:27 UTC 2015   't   banana
Tue Nov 10 05:51:41 UTC 2015   't   carrot





 # two files
 file0 = a file
 file1 = another file
 # delete old files
 if file0 older than 2 hours, delete file0
 if file1 older than 2 hours, delete file1
 # select newest file, and delete on alternating hours
 if current hour mod 2 = 0 then
     newest file = file0; 
     delete file1;
     newest file = file1;
     delete file0;
 # save data to end of file
 print data to file0; 
 print data to file1;
 # the file to use is: newest file


以下是明细。F0=文件0;F1=文件1;a、 b,c=数据

 time    mod   data   clear   F0      F1      fileToUse
 23:45   1     a      F0      a       a       F1
 00:15   0     b      F1      ab      b       F0
 00:45   0     c      F1      abc     c       F0
 10:05   0     d      F0,F1   d       d       F0
 11:30   1     e      F0      e       de      F1


 # three files
 file0 = a file log starting at hour mod 0, deleted at hour mod 2
 file1 = a file log starting at hour mod 1, deleted at hour mod 0
 file2 = a file log starting at hour mod 2, deleted at hour mod 1
 # data_file is the last file written to (last hour + this hour)
 # current_file is just from the top of this hour (could be 1 record)
 # select newest file, and delete file from 2 hours ago
 switch (current hour mod 3)
   case 0:
     current_file = file0;
     data_file = file2;
     delete file1;
   case 1:
     current_file = file1;
     data_file = file0;
     delete file2;
   case 2:
     current_file = file2;
     data_file = file1;
     delete file0;
 # save data to all files that weren't just deleted
 print data to data_file; 
 print data to current_file;
