
What is the correct method to output list contents using JSON?

我正在使用yelp API为我的网站随机查找附近的列表。来自yelp网站上的文档:

rating                 number   Rating for this business (value ranges from 1, 1.5, ... 4.5, 5)
rating_img_url         string   URL to star rating image for this business (size = 84x17)
rating_img_url_small   string   URL to small version of rating image for this business (size = 50x10)
rating_img_url_large   string   URL to large version of rating image for this business (size = 166x30)
snippet_text           string   Snippet text associated with this business
snippet_image_url      string   URL of snippet image associated with this business
location               dict     Location data for this business
location.address       list     Address for this business. Only includes address fields.
location.display_address list   Address for this business formatted for display. Includes all address fields, cross streets and city, state_code, etc.
location.city          string   City for this business
location.state_code    string   ISO 3166-2 state code for this business
location.postal_code   string   Postal code for this business
location.country_code  string   ISO 3166-1 country code for this business
location.cross_streets string   Cross streets for this business


// Handle Yelp response data
$response = json_decode($data);
$business = $response->businesses;
$numbers = range(0, 19);
echo "<img src='".$business[$numbers[$ran]]->image_url."'><br/>";
echo $business[$numbers[$ran]]->name."<br/>";
echo "<img border=0 src='".$business[$numbers[$ran]]->rating_img_url_large."'><br/>";
echo "<br/>";
echo $business[$numbers[$ran]]->location[display_address]."<br/>";




object(stdClass)#14 (6) { ["city"]=> string(11) "Chino Hills" ["display_address"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(14) "2923 Chino Ave" [1]=> string(21) "Chino Hills, CA 91709" } ["postal_code"]=> string(5) "91709" ["country_code"]=> string(2) "US" ["address"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(14) "2923 Chino Ave" } ["state_code"]=> string(2) "CA" }




$address = $business[$numbers[$ran]]->location->display_address;
foreach( $address as $line ){
    echo $line.'<br />';
