
PHP - Can you assign a member function to a variable?


function myFunc() {
   echo "whatever";
$callableFunction = 'myFunc';
$callableFunction(); // executes myFunc()


class MyClass {
    function someCall() {
        echo "yay";
$class = new MyClass();
// what I would like:
$assignedFunction = $class->someCall; // but I tried and it returns an error
$memberFunc = 'someCall';
$class->$memberFunc(); // I know this is valid, but I want a single variable to be able to be used to call different functions - I don't want to have to know whether it is part of a class or not.
// my current implementation because I don't know how to do it with anonymous functions:
$assignedFunction = function() { return $class->someCall(); } // <- seems lengthy; would be more efficient if I can just assign $class->someCall to the variable somehow?
$assignedFunction(); // I would like this to execute $class->someCall()


class MyClass {
    function someCall() {
        echo "yay";
$obj = new Myclass();
$ref = array($obj, 'someCall');


class MyClass {
    static function someCall2() {
        echo "yay2";
$ref = array('MyClass', 'someCall2');


上面的PHP 5.4解决方案很好。如果你需要PHP 5.3,我认为你不能比匿名函数方法做得更好,但你可以把它包装成一个与PHP 5.4方法非常相似的函数:

function buildCallable($obj, $function)
    return function () use ($obj, $function) {
        $args = func_get_args();
        return call_user_func_array(array($obj, $function), $args);
class MyClass
    public function add($x, $y)
        return $x + $y;
    public static function multiply($x, $y)
        return $x * $y;
//non-static methods
$callable = buildCallable(new MyClass(), 'add');
echo $callable(32, 10);
//static methods
$callable = buildCallable('MyClass', 'multiply');
echo $callable(21, 2);
