
"Class X extends Y (abstract), Y implements Z (interface). "Cannot call abstract method of interface Z"


接口类(最顶层的抽象)的目的是强制那些较低的实现拥有自己的static public function id($params=false){方法。

// My top level abstraction, to be implemented only by "MyAbstraction"
interface MyInterface{
      static public function id();

// My second (lower) level of abstraction, to be extended
// by all child classes. This is an abstraction of just the
// common heavy lifting logic, common methods and properties.
// This class is never instantiated, hence the "abstract" modifier.
// Also, this class doesn't override the id() method. It is left
// for the descendant classes to do.
abstract class MyAbstraction implements MyInterface{
    // Some heavy lifting here, including common methods, properties, etc
    // ....
    // ....
     static public function run(){
          $this->id = self::id(); // This is failing with fatal error

// This is one of many "children" that only extend the needed methods/properties
class MyImplementation extends MyAbstraction{
     // As you can see, I have implemented the "forced"
     // method, coming from the top most interface abstraction
     static public function id(){
         return 'XXX';


$o = new MyImplementation();

我得到一个致命错误:Fatal error: Cannot call abstract method MyInterface::id();


  1. 接口中声明的所有方法都必须是公共的;这就是接口的本质。参考-PHP接口

  2. 您在MyAbstraction类中使用self::id()self总是引用同一个类。参考自身与静态


interface MyInterface{
    public function id();
abstract class MyAbstraction implements MyInterface{
    public $id;
    // Some heavy lifting here, including common methods, properties, etc
    // ....
    // ....
    public function run(){
        $this->id = static::id(); // This is failing with fatal error
class MyImplementation extends MyAbstraction{
    // As you can see, I have implemented the "forced"
    // method, coming from the top most interface abstraction
    public function id(){
        return 'XXX';
$o = new MyImplementation();




  1. 你应该使用"static"关键字static::id();
  2. 不能在静态方法($this->id)中使用$this
  3. 您的所有方法都是静态的,因此不需要实例化对象。您可以使用静态调用执行同样的操作:MyImplementation::run();

