
Dynamically add into array and retrieve sum

foreach ($_POST['ECL'] as $lt) {
    //SQL select statements are run.  Each $lt is a where condition where results are obtained from the DB.

我想对每个结果进行计数并总结一下。 总数将是获得的记录。我可以获取每个$lt的记录计数,但我无法将它们相加。 所有的帮助将不胜感激。

[更新] $lt的数量不是固定的。 $lt可以是 1,2,3,4... 诸如 $i++ 之类的计数器不起作用


尝试使用 mysql_num_rows 或 mssql_num_rows - 它们返回结果中的行数

$count = 0;  // setup count variable
foreach ($_POST['ECL'] as $lt) {
    //SQL select statements are run.  Each $lt is a where condition where results are obtained from the DB.
    $count += mysql_num_rows($result);  // add results count to our counter
echo $count; // this will be the total number of rows the queries returned

