PHP - 字符串连接以产生模式

PHP - string concatenation to produce a pattern

我是PHP的新手。我想根据 for 循环条件值生成变量名称。 这是我的代码。

    for ( $i = 1; $i < $totalcolumns; $i++ ) 
  $pattern1 .= ''$'.'a'.$i'';
$pattern = str_repeat ('%d', $totalcolumns);


while (fscanf ($file,''''.$pattern.'''',''''.$pattern1.''''))

因此,例如,如果我的总列值为 3,则上面的 while 循环应该扩展如下。

while (fscanf ($file,'%d%d%d',$a1,$a2,$a3))

模式正在正确扩展,我使用 echo 语句进行了检查。但是,如果我包含用于生成 pattern1 的代码,我的程序不会产生任何输出。

我正在尝试使用变量模式 1 生成模式 $a 1、$a 2、$a 3。我正在使用PHP的字符串连接,但我无法在屏幕中看到任何输出。有人可以指导我朝着正确的方向前进吗?


// You probably might have code here to populate $totalcolumns .
// For test purpose I assumed a value .
    $totalcolumns = 3;
//  Initialize $pattern1
    $pattern1 = '';
//  Make sure weather you need $i < $totalcolumns or $i <= $totalcolumns
    for ( $i = 1; $i < $totalcolumns; $i++ ) 
    //  Your line was $pattern1 .= ''$'.'a'.$i''; which has systax error due to two single quotes before the semicolon
        $pattern1 .= ''$'.'a'.$i;
    echo $pattern1;




如何将可变数量的参数传递给 PHP 函数

// You probably might have code here to populate $totalcolumns .
// For test purpose I assumed a value .
    $totalcolumns = 3;
//  Also assuming some values for $a1, $a2, $a3 etc.
    $a1 = 'abc';
    $a2 = 'pqr';
    $a3 = 'xyz';
//  For test purpose I used a string replace it with the actual file handle
    $file = 'File handle';
//  Initialize $pattern
    $pattern = '';
//  Define an array to hold parameters for call_user_func_array
    $parameterArray = array();
//  Put first parameter of fscanf at index 0 of $parameterArray
    $parameterArray[0] = $file;
//  Initialize second parameter of fscanf at index 1 of $parameterArray
    $parameterArray[1] = $pattern;
    $parameterArrayIndex = 2;
    for ( $i = 0; $i < $totalcolumns; $i++ ) 
        $pattern .= '%d';
        $parameterArray[$parameterArrayIndex] = ${"a".($i+1)};  // Variable variables
//  Update second parameter of fscanf at index 1 of $parameterArray
    $parameterArray[1] = $pattern;
    var_dump( $parameterArray );
    while( call_user_func_array( 'fscanf', $parameterArray ) )
        //  Do what ever you need to do here
$totalcolumns = 3
for ( $i = 1; $i <= $totalcolumns; $i++ ){
    $pattern1 .= '$a' . $i . ', ';
//remove the last comma and space.
$pattern1 = rtrim($pattern1, ", ");
echo $pattern1;
//$a1, $a2, $a3

完全基于:"我正在尝试生成模式 $a 1、$a 2、$a 3"






$filledInString = str_replace('$a1', "REPLACED!", $pattern1);
$filledInString = str_replace('$a3', "AGAIN!", $filledInString);
echo $filledInString;
