对文件的总和行求和,并使用总计进行查询.PHP MSSQL.

SUM lines of a file for total and make query with total. PHP MSSQL


FG  09097612 DN 6575 HL    879797
BHC 09097613 DN 6576 HL    879798
FG  09097614 DN 6577 IOPPP 879799
FG  09097614 DN 6577 IOPPP 879800

我用 mysql 导入它

$lines = file("upload/import.txt");
$dbhandle = odbc_connect("Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};
Server=$myServer;Database=$myDB;", $myUser, $myPass)
or die("Couldn't connect to SQL Server on $myServer");
$query = "INSERT INTO TEST (nation) VALUES 'n";
$row = array(); // query for each line
foreach($lines as $lineNum => $line ) {
    $nation = trim(substr($line, 0, 4)); // get first four characters as nation and remove spaces
    $prize = trim(substr($line, 4, 8)); // get 5th-12th characters as prize and remove spaces
    $player = trim(substr($line, 12, 2)); // get 13th-14th characters as player and remove spaces
    $row []= "(".$nation.")";
$query .= implode(",'n",$row).";";
$result = odbc_exec($dbhandle, $query);

我现在需要的是检查文件中是否有相同国家的行,在本例中为"FG",并将每个"FG"的$prize相加,仅保存奖品总数,而不是 FG 的所有行?

如果您需要在 php 中执行此操作,我会将行保存在由国家键控的数组中,每次检查该键是否已经存在,如果是,只需增加奖励。


$lines = file("upload/import.txt");
$dbhandle = odbc_connect("Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};
Server=$myServer;Database=$myDB;", $myUser, $myPass)
or die("Couldn't connect to SQL Server on $myServer");
$query = "INSERT INTO TEST (nation, prize) VALUES 'n";
$row = array(); // query for each line
foreach($lines as $lineNum => $line ) 
    $nation = trim(substr($line, 0, 4)); // get first four characters as nation and remove spaces
    if (array_key_exists($nation, $row))
        $row[$nation]['prize'] += $prize;
        $prize = trim(substr($line, 4, 8)); // get 5th-12th characters as prize and remove spaces
        $player = trim(substr($line, 12, 2)); // get 13th-14th characters as player and remove spaces
        $row[$nation]= array('nation'=>$nation, 'prize'=>$prize);
array_walk($row, function($v, $k){return "(".$v['nation'].", ".$v['prize'].")";});
$query .= implode(",'n",$row).";";
$result = odbc_exec($dbhandle, $query);

但是,如果这是在MySQL中完成的,我会很想将国家作为数据库的唯一键,并在插入查询的末尾添加ON DUPLICATE KEY SET prize=prize + VALUES(prize)。

你可以编写非常复杂的php代码来做到这一点。 或者,您可以改变策略。 首先,让我指出,您可以使用load data infile从文件中读取数据。

新策略是将数据读入临时表,然后将其复制到最终表中。 基本上:

read data into test_staging table (using php or `load data infile`)
insert into test(nation, prize)
    select nation, sum(prize)
    from test_staging
    group by nation;
drop table test_staging;

因此,如果您在 PHP 中需要它,我建议您使用这样的命名数组:

$insertLines = array();
foreach($lines as $lineNum => $line ) {
    $nation = trim(substr($line, 0, 4)); // get first four characters as nation and remove spaces
    $prize = trim(substr($line, 4, 8)); // get 5th-12th characters as prize and remove spaces
    insertLines[$nation] += $prize;
foreach($insertLines as $lineNation => $linePrice ) {
    // The creation of the insert into the database goes here.

并请检查长度。我认为 plazer 在 14 到 15 ?

$player = trim(substr($line, 13, 2));