如何在 php 中替换字符串的位置

How to replace position of string in php?

$text = "abc def ghi abc def ghi abc def ghi abc"
$search = "abc";
$regex = '/('s)'.$search.'('s)/i';
$array_key = array();
if(preg_match_all($regex, $text, $tmp)) {
    $array_key = $tmp[0];
    $n = count($tmp[0]);
    for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) {
        if($n % 2 == 0) {
            $content = str_replace($array_key[$i], 'ABC', $text);


"ABC def ghi ABC def ghi ABC def ghi ABC">

但是我希望结果是"ABC def ghi abc def ghi ABC def ghi abc",因为$n % 2 == 0,如何解决呢?


也。。您必须使用正则表达式吗? 你看过这个 http://bluedogwebservices.com/replace-every-other-occurrence-with-str_replace/吗?

一种方法是使用 preg_replace_callback 和全局变量来跟踪迭代。这是下面采取的方法。

$replacer_i = 0;
function replacer( $matches ) {
  global $replacer_i;
  return $replacer_i++ % 2 === 0 
    ? strtoupper($matches[0]) 
    : $matches[0];
$string = "abc def ghi abc def ghi abc def ghi abc";
$string = preg_replace_callback( "/abc/", "replacer", $string );
// ABC def ghi abc def ghi ABC def ghi abc
print $string;


$string = "abc def ghi abc def ghi abc def ghi abc";
$aparts = explode( " ", $string );
$countr = 0;
foreach ( $aparts as $key => &$value ) {
  if ( $value == "abc" && ( $countr++ % 2 == 0 ) ) {
    $value = strtoupper( $value );
// ABC def ghi abc def ghi ABC def ghi abc
print implode( " ", $aparts );


$text = "abc def ghi abc def ghi abc def ghi abc";
$search = "ghi";
$regex = '/('.$search.')(.*)/i';
$array_key = array();
if(preg_match($regex, $text, $tmp)) {
    $c = strtoupper($tmp[1]);
    $content = str_replace( $tmp[1] . $tmp[2], $c .  $tmp[2], $tmp[0] );
    $content = str_replace( $tmp[1] . $tmp[2], $content, $text );
echo $content;
