
Is Silverstripe's Configuration API a Singleton?


由于三个属性 API,配置 API 可以被视为独立于 SilverStripe 系统中其他形式的变量:

Configuration is per class, not per instance.
Configuration is normally set once during initialization and then not changed.
Configuration is normally set by a knowledgeable technical user, such as a developer, not the end user.

问题配置 API 是单例吗?

它的行为类似于单例,因为对配置API的大多数访问都经过Config::inst(),这将始终返回当前活动的Config实例。此实例将保持不变,直到您决定使用 Config::set_instance($myNewConfigInstance) 进行更改。


下面是如何在代码执行期间切换 Config 的示例:

// preserve old config
$defaultConfig = Config::inst();
// create a new config
Config::set_instance(new Config());
// … do stuff that will use the new config
// switch back to the default config once you're done