我希望能够编辑 xml 标头标签

I would like to be able to edit the xml header tag

在这篇文章之后 使用 PHP 将表单数据保存到现有的 XML 文件

我想知道如何将多个变量保存到 XML 文件中。 使用所描述的方法,我只能保存最后一个。


        while ($stmt->fetch()){ 
                $xml .="<Bar>'n't't";
                $xml .= "<nome>".$nome."</nome>'n't't";
                $xml .= "<morada>".$morada."</morada>'n't't";
                $xml .= "<nif>".$nif."</nif>'n't't";
                $xml .= "<telefone>".$telefone."</telefone>'n't't";
                $xml .= "<email>".$email."</email>'n't't";
                $xml .= "<imgid>".$imgid."</imgid>'n't't";
            $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0');
            $doc->formatOutput = true;
            $doc->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
            $doc->loadXML($xml, LIBXML_NOBLANKS);

但是我希望能够编辑 XML 标头标签(XML 版本="1.0"?),但我不能这样做

再次考虑使用 DOMDocument() 方法,而不是使用字符串连接构建 XML。使用 PHP 的信息手册,下面显示了如何添加文档类型声明 (DTD) 和 XSLT 处理行:

// Create an instance of the DOMImplementation class
$imp = new DOMImplementation;    
// Create a DOMDocumentType instance
$dtd = $imp->createDocumentType('graph', '', 'graph.dtd');
// Create a DOMDocument instance
$doc = $imp->createDocument();    
// Set other properties
$doc->encoding = 'UTF-8'; $doc->standalone = true;
$doc->formatOutput = true; $doc->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
// Create an XSLT adding processing line
$xslt = $doc->createProcessingInstruction('xml-stylesheet', 
                                          'type="text/xsl" href="base.xsl"');    
// Append XSLT instruction to the doc
// Append DTD to the doc
// Create root
$root = $doc->appendChild($doc->createElement('Bares'));
// Iteratively append the elements (with values)
while ($stmt->fetch()){                        
    $barNode = $root->appendChild($doc->createElement('bare'));
    $nomeNode = $barNode->appendChild($doc->createElement('nom', $nome));
    $moradaNode = $barNode->appendChild($doc->createElement('morada', $morada));                
    $nifNode = $barNode->appendChild($doc->createElement('nif', $nif));
    $telefoneNode = $barNode->appendChild($doc->createElement('telefone', $telefone));
    $emailNode = $barNode->appendChild($doc->createElement('email', $email));
    $imgidNode = $barNode->appendChild($doc->createElement('imgid', $imgid));          