退出状态代码 1 无法发送电子邮件

Exit status code 1 Unable to send email


Exit status code: 1
Unable to open a socket to Sendmail. Please check settings.
Unable to send email using PHP Sendmail. Your server might not be configured to sendmail using this method.
$this->email->message('Welcome to '.$this->config->item('company_name').', "'r'n" Thank you for joining the '.$this->config->item('company_name').' team. We have listed your registration details below. Make sure you save this email. To verify this account please click the following link. "'r'n" '.anchor('register/verify/'.$registration_key, 'Click Here To Activate Your Account', '').' "'r'n" Please verfiy your account within 2 hours, otherwise your registration will become invalid and you will have to register again. "'r'n" Your email address: '.$post_email_address.' "'r'n" Your Password: '.$post_password.' "'r'n" Enjoy your stay here at '.$this->config->item('company_name').' "'r'n" The '.$this->config->item('company_name').' Team');



$config['company_name'] = 'My Test Site';
$config['comapny_email'] = 'owner@testingsite.com';


$autoload['config'] = array('site_configs');


// User was successfully created and the user needs to verify their account.
// Send registered an email informing them how to validate their account.
$this->email->from($this->config->item('company_email'), $this->config->item('company_name'));
$this->email->subject($this->config->item('company_name').' Registration');
//$message = 'Welcome to '. $this->config->item('company_name') ."'r'n";
//$message .= 'Thank you for joining the ' . $this->config->item('company_name') . ' team.';
//$message .= 'We have listed your registration details below. Make sure you save this email.';
//$message .= 'To verify this account please click the following link.'."'r'n";
//$message .= anchor('register/verify/'.$registration_key, 'Click Here To Activate Your Account', '')."'r'n";
//$message .= 'Please verfiy your account within 2 hours, otherwise your registration will become invalid and you will have to register again.'."'r'n";
//$message .= 'Your email address: '.$post_email_address."'r'n";
//$message .= 'Your Password: '.$post_password."'r'n";
//$message .= 'Enjoy your stay here at '.$this->config->item('company_name')."'r'n";
//$message .= 'The '.$this->config->item('company_name').' Team';
$this->email->message('Great registration.' /*$message */);
echo $this->email->print_debugger();



$message = 'Welcome to '. $this->config->item('company_name') ."'r'n";
$message .= 'Thank you for joining the ' . $this->config->item('company_name') . ' team.';
$message .= 'We have listed your registration details below. Make sure you save this email.';
$message .= 'To verify this account please click the following link.'."'r'n";
$message .= .anchor('register/verify/'.$registration_key, 'Click Here To Activate Your Account', '')."'r'n";
$message .= 'Please verfiy your account within 2 hours, otherwise your registration will become invalid and you will have to register again.'."'r'n";
$message .= 'Your email address: '.$post_email_address."'r'n";
$message .= 'Your Password: '.$post_password."'r'n";
$message .= 'Enjoy your stay here at '.$this->config->item('company_name')."'r'n";
$message .= 'The '.$this->config->item('company_name').' Team';




确保您的服务器具有 sendmail,并且在您的服务器中正确设置或安装了 sendmail 软件包

yum install sendmail

sudo apt-get install sendmail


发送测试邮件,echo "test sendmail" | sendmail xxx@yy.com

    $config = Array(
        'protocol' => 'smtp',
        'smtp_host' => 'smtp.googlemail.com',
        'smtp_port' => 587,
        'smtp_user' => 'example@gmail.com',
        'smtp_pass' => 'password',
        'mailtype'  => 'html', 
        'charset'   => 'iso-8859-1'

    $this->email->from('example@gmail.com', 'easyfact');
    $this->email->subject('Email Test');
    $this->email->message('Testing the email class.');
    echo $this->email->print_debugger();