
How to see if a user has posted before, and if so, highlight his past posts?

我有一个简单的学校博客网站,我需要帮助。我需要它,以便如果之前发布过帖子的用户提交帖子,那么他当前和以前发布的帖子将被突出显示。我知道我需要某种方式来检查该用户是否在我的数据库中,但不确定如何去做。提前谢谢你。如果需要,我也可以发布我的 css 或 html 表单。



$date_posted = date('h:i:s Y-m-d');
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="post.css" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<title>Daily Dorm News</title>
<h1>Your Daily Dorm News Post! </h1>
<div id="container"> <?php if ( isset($_GET['name']) and preg_match("/^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/", $_GET['name']) ) {
    echo $_GET['name'];
} else {
    echo "You entered an invalid name!'n";

Your email address is: <?php if ( isset($_GET['email']) and preg_match("/.+@.+'..+/i", $_GET['email']) ) {
    echo $_GET['email'];
} else {
    echo "You didn't enter a proper email address!'n";
You Posted : <?php if ( isset($_GET['message']) and preg_match("/^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/", $_GET['message']) ) {
    echo $_GET['message'];
} else {
    echo "The message is not valid! The message box was blank or you entered invalid symbols!'n";
This event happened :<?php echo $_GET["date"]; ?><br>

/* [INFO/CS 1300 Project 3] index.php
 * Main page for our app.
 * Shows all previous posts and highlights the current user's post, if any.
* Includes a link to form.php if user wishes to create and submit a post.
// Fetching data from the request sent by form.php  
$name = strip_tags($_REQUEST['name']);
$email = strip_tags($_REQUEST['email']);
$message = strip_tags($_REQUEST['message']);
$date = strip_tags($_REQUEST['date']);
$is_valid_post = true;
// Checking if a form was submitted
if (isset($_REQUEST['name'])){
 // Fetching data from the request sent by form.php  
$name = strip_tags($_REQUEST['name']);
$email = strip_tags($_REQUEST['email']);
$message = strip_tags($_REQUEST['message']);
$date = strip_tags($_REQUEST['date']);  
 // Saving the current post, if a form was submitted
 $post_fields = array();
 $post_fields['name'] = $name;
 $post_fields['email'] = $email;
 $post_fields['message'] = $message;
 $post_fields['date'] = $date;
 $success_flag = saveCurrentPost($post_fields);
//Fetching all posts from the database
$posts_array = getAllPosts();
   <p><a href="form.php">Submit a Post</a></p>
   if(isset($name)) {
     echo "<h3>Thanks ".$name." for submitting your post.</h3>";
   <p>Here are all the posts we have received.</p>
   <ul id="posts_list">
   <div id="posts">
   // Looping through all the posts in posts_array
   $counter = 1;
   foreach(array_reverse($posts_array) as $post){
     $name = $post['name'];
     $email = $post['email'];
     $message = $post['message'];
     $date = $post['date'];
     if ($counter % 2==1)
       $li_class = "float-left";
       $li_class = "float-right";

        echo '<div class=post>';
        echo '<li class="'.$li_class.'"><h3><span>'.$name.'</span> wrote a post.</h3></li>';
        echo '<li class="'.$li_class.'"><h3><span>'.$name.' email is: '.$email.'</span></h3></li>';
        echo '<li class="'.$li_class.'"><h3><span>'.$name.' wrote '.$message.'</span> wrote a post.</h3></li>';
        echo '<li class="'.$li_class.'"><h3><span>This event occured on '.$date_posted.'</span></h3></li>';
        echo '</div>';


  1. 创建登录名。创建新帖子后,将其记录在数据库中。下次用户发帖时检查记录。如果记录存在,请对样式执行所需的操作

  2. 如果您不想创建登录系统,请对照电子邮件地址进行检查。这种方法容易出现滥用错误等,
